An Invitation

Nothing is needed to Be

A reveal of Real

Nothing you can know
that isn’t known
Nothing you can see
that isn’t shown
Nowhere you can be
that isn’t where you’re
meant to be
It’s easy
Lyrics from: All You Need is Love
—John Lennon and Paul McCartney—1967

Space: The final frontier
—from Star Trek opening theme—
first four words contributed by producer John Black—1966

Just because you believed something to be true doesn’t necessarily make it so. It is easy to believe what others believe. To just go along unquestioningly with the crowd. Never doubting the validity or reality of seemingly normal beliefs. Ordinary, unconditionally accepted beliefs about ourselves and our world, which, unbeknownst to most, cover up an actuality so obvious, so simple, the mind ignored it—and never looked back. Well, this writing concerns just that. It’s about discovering for oneself a truth that has innately always been known. An uncovering of something so clear, so obvious, that when it is seen you’ll wonder how it was ever overlooked. This book is about seeing, knowing, and recalling a simple truth. A truth as to your absolute nature. About coming to know who you are and a letting go of erroneous beliefs. A simple guide to discovery. A discovery of that which you already know—and are!

We all innately know who and what we are, but the mental activity of the mind has veiled this inborn knowledge. Most of us have lived for X amount of years in one facet of ourself, our thought. Then one day, a disturbing anxiety or turmoil of thoughts, a general uneasiness or underlying sense of something just not being right, causes a stirring in the soul. A stirring so strong we consciously or unconsciously are compelled to follow. This urge to follow draws us inward to a point in space most of us have never looked before. A place where our true nature dwells. A place we instinctively know is home. A space longed for with such passion we finally allow ourselves to look. To follow an inner calling or voice so faint, yet so insistent, we know truth awaits there. A truth the world can never fulfill. A truth that can reveal our true nature.

If we travel the pathless path trodden by saints, seers and mystics before us, and take heed of the pointers offered, we will come to that place promised. Oneness is pointed to here. Nothing more. There is nothing to gain, nothing to acquire, nothing to be added to you. Only the promise of truth and freedom, as was stated long ago: “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” This truth comes in many ways and many forms, yet only a few hear it. The message is simple, yet few get it. So caught up in the external world it is simply ignored.

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them—that only creates sorrow.
Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
- Lao Tzu

There is only one goal to life; that is to know yourself. Know who and what you are. The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre quotes, “You are what you are not and are not what you are.” And the Indian guru Nisargadatta Maharaj quotes, “Don’t pretend to be what you are not. Don’t refuse to be what you are.” So if you’re not who you think you are, who are you? Ask yourself some simple direct questions. Do you exist? Do you believe you exist, or do you know you exist? Do you say “I am?” Or do you say “I am not?” Pretty straight forward, you know you exist and you know you are. But do you know who you are? Or do you think you know who you are? Ask yourself, and see the difference in your responses. There was no hesitation in knowing you exist or knowing you are. You didn’t have to think about either before responding. There is an inherent knowing. Did you have the same non-hesitant authoritative response to the latter questions? Or did you pause briefly before your answer? That nano-delay was thought. The mind had to think and respond. And the response is a belief you have about yourself. Not an innate knowing. Try this: ask your mind, “okay Mr. Mind, who am I?” But don’t think, wait for a response as if you had asked somebody else a question. Your mind remains blank. It can not answer the question. It doesn’t know.

Thought is a natural function of the human being. It’s not who or what you are. You only believe what the mind tells you because you’ve come to rely on it. Do you beat your heart? Grow your hair? Blink your eyes? Breathe your lungs? Of course not. These functions all happen naturally as you go about your day. You do not think your thoughts either. The mind just tells you you do. You have nothing to do with any of these natural functions of the human being. You can’t tell me what your next thought is going to be, it just comes up. And why would you ever have an unhappy thought if you are in control of them? Why would you ever beat yourself up with thoughts if you’re the thinker of the thoughts? You are not your mind. In fact, the mind is not, it’s just claiming to be. The thinker, you, is just another thought arising instantly behind the first thought that arose. This second instantaneous thought is your mind controlling you. Claiming it exists. Creating a fictitious entity you call “me” or “I.” Show me an organ called mind. The organ protected within your skull is the brain. Mind is nothing but thought. Thoughts arising, thoughts flowing through. Unless you believe them. That’s the problem. You put the power of belief behind them. There is no separate ruler of you known by the word mind. This is the illusion. The false. You are not two. No animal on this planet has two, “miracles of life-functioning, and being,” existing in one body. It breaks this writers heart that he can not give this understanding to you, but it is not his to give. But it is yours as well. It’s unique to every individual’s experience, which is why you have to see for yourself. Or, more precisely, your mind (ego) has to see for itself, that it has no substantiality or independent existence separate from the natural functioning of the human organism. Investigate for yourself whether this mind exists, and is what you are, or not. No words can do it for you. The Bhagavad-Gita states the mind must be returned to its proper place as servant and not master as follows:

“Water flows continually into the ocean
But the ocean is never disturbed:
Desire flows into the mind of the seer
But he is never disturbed.
The seer knows peace:
The man who stirs up his own lusts
Can never know peace.
He knows peace who has forgotten desire.
He lives without craving:
Free from ego, free from pride

The mind is created as all creation is created, dualistically. Subject-Object. When you believe you are the mind there is constant discord between the interrelated opposites. This and that. Right and wrong. Good and bad, and so forth. You can never know who you are, because what you think you are is constantly changing. What you really are is constant, never changes, and is always present. What you are has had many names throughout the ages but has never changed. God, That, Source, Consciousness, Presence, Awareness, the What is, the Absolute, the Totality, and a multitude of others. The naming doesn’t matter. That it is is all that matters. All words are spoken thoughts, that at best, can only point to that which created mind, body, and everything else. “I am” is the primary thought acquired to point to this eternal truth. I am is not a person. I am is what you are. As long as no other words are added behind it. Just, I am! That I am is the translation by Mind, received from the feeling realization of our aliveness (being), created by the ultimate power, “Source,” which is our origin and also points back to it. Whatever that “It” is, which created everything. This writer subscribes to no particular religion, but is enamored by the variety of simple truths buried within them all. A lot of confusion and speculation surrounds events and transcribes that took place in ancient history. But it is delightful to ponder how we came to be, and in this case, the origin of our thought, “I am,” and the confusion of our true identity surrounding it. One telling, from the Christian faith of this origin, is when Moses was preparing to return from Mt Sinai with the Ten Commandments:

Moses said to God, “If I now come to the Israelites and say
to them, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,’ they are going to
ask me, ‘What’s this God’s name?’ What am I supposed to say to them?”
God said to Moses, “I Am Who I Am. So say to the Israelites, ‘I Am has sent me to you.’”
- Common English Bible (CEB)

“What you are basically deep, deep down, far, far in,
is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself.”
- Alan Watts, from Out of Your Mind

A conceptual outline of existence:

from One, which is all
comes the sense of being
prior to the thought I am
which points back to being
derived from One

The root of all misunderstanding lies in the meaning you have given the words I am. Words you have come to associate with the primary “I am.” The I am that is not. Words like me, I, myself, person, body, and whatever your personal name is. All words that are only an object, a thing appearing in this phenomenal manifestation known as world. The world as your mind perceives it. The mind was not created to control you, but it has come to do so because you allow it. You have given it the power of mastery, and you can take back what was never intended with investigation. Who am I? What am I? What do these words “I am” refer too? What is my true identity? Why am I here? All good questions to ask your brain. You are here to unravel the universe. To discover the truth. To be what you are! For you already are what you think you’re not. You are standing on the missing piece of the puzzle. Right here, right now, you are that lost piece of knowing. Don’t get caught up in the imaginings of the mind. Learn to see through it. Only then will “the peace that passeth all understanding” be your experience. Thoughts arise from ignorance (ignoring it), and knowing alike. Just as rain falls on flowers and weeds alike. The universe and our nature is impersonal. It’s time to realign with the natural order of all that is, and discover for yourself, what you have always already known.

There was never a time when I did not exist, nor you …
nor is there any future in which we shall cease to be.”
- Krishna

Everything is energy. Energy is all there is. All space is made up of energy. Energy infused with the quality of knowing. Intelligence-energy-space. Your body is a pattern formed by this energy. You are not the body you think you are. You are not a separate entity encased in a body. That thought is only the claim of mind. Your true identity lies elsewhere. The body-mind exists solely as intelligence-energy-space. Just like a wave appearing in the ocean exists solely as the ocean. The waves have no independent existence separate from the ocean. You can not be apart from what you are anymore than the wave can be apart from ocean. Your body is a vessel made-up of this unborn essence, intelligence-energy-space. You are life. The life essence that animates and functions that particular body-shape. This intelligent energy, the life essence that is you, was never born nor will ever die. The body-pattern will break down, but the essence that is you is eternal. Changing in form and shape only.

Life begets life.

“You have agreed that you will die only because you
have accepted from someone that you were born.”
- Sri Poonja (Papaji), from The Truth Is

Death is a stripping away of all that is not you.
The secret of life is to ‘die before you die’ —and find that there is no death.”
- Eckhart Tolle, from The Power of Now

Everything seen, touched, smelled, heard, or tasted, exists solely of and as this intelligence-energy-space-essence. This beingness is you. Living and being. Being a human, or, human being. Being is essence in whatever shape or form it takes—mammal, bird, fish, insect, plant, thought, feeling, sensation, emotion, and every inanimate object there is. Intelligence-energy-space manifesting form as to that particular being. Your mind will never grasp this, for this essence is not a thing. Your mind can only think in terms of objects and things. To the mind, intelligence-energy-space-being is no thing. Not an object or a thing, nothing (no-thing). The mind abhors this perceived void … and fills it. Claiming authority over what it can perceive, the human body. No other creature on the planet has this dilemma, for only the human brain has the capacity to reason. Unfortunately for us, due to ignorance (ignoring space), the mind reasoned it had to take charge because there is nothing there. And since we knew no better, it was allowed. And we have allowed the mind to be our identity ever since. To rule us with thoughts. Our innate capacity, characteristic, or attribute, the gift of reason, transformed into the bondage of self.

Is science your religion? Do you believe science will give us the one and only final answer? Scientists break the body, mind, and everything else, living and non-living, down in modern day words such as; matter, elements, molecules, atoms, particles, fields, and waves. Science defines a wave as “a repeating disturbance or vibration that transfers or moves energy from place to place.” Waves of probability; only discussed in the universal language of mathematics, in the realm of science. Waves are nothing (no-thing). They only exist, as particles and fields of specific shapes forming when we observe them. Appearance only in our seeing. Coming from nothing (space), and dissolving back into nothing (space), when unobserved (a wave). There’s our answer to the philosophical question: “If a tree falls in the forest, and no one’s around to hear it, does it make a sound?” —What tree?

When you turn from one room to the next—when your animal senses no longer
perceive the sounds of the dishwasher, the ticking clock, the smell of chicken roasting—
the kitchen and all its seemingly discrete bits dissolve into nothingness, or into waves of probability.”
Robert Lanza, M.D.

You’re the content of space. That pattern there, nothing but space really. It’s no thing.”
Bob Adamson, from Urban Guru Cafe podcast

“The objects of sense exist only when they are perceived; the trees therefore
are in the garden... no longer than while there is somebody by to perceive them.”

George Berkeley, philosopher

The average human body weighing 150 pounds is made up of ‘seven billion billion billion’ atoms
(that's a 7 followed by 27 zeros!) Science has described the atom as an
apparently perfect void: 99.999% empty space.

From the West Texas A&M University website,
Dr. Christopher S. Baird answers the question:
“Why don't atoms collapse if they are mostly empty space?” —

“Atoms are not mostly empty space because there is no such thing as purely empty space.
Rather, space is filled with a wide variety of particles and fields. Sucking all the particles and fields
out of a certain volume won't make the space completely empty because
new particles will still flash into existence due to vacuum energy

Explanatory language saying the same apparent no-thing, intelligence-energy-space … appearing. Quantum science is looking closer still. Using terms like; wave-particle duality, wave functions, superposition, entanglement, and uncertainty principle. Even the seemingly catch all phrase, “distinct quantum objects that we cannot easily conceptualize” is used. Science seems to be discovering the same ineffable knowledge the mystics, seers, and prophets have proclaimed throughout the ages. And, we’re back to where we started; the body is a pattern of energy appearing in/as space. Your true identity, life, or, life essence. No-thing.

Whence come I and whither go I? That is the great unfathomable question,
the same for everyone of us. Science has no answer to it.

- Max Planck, quantum physicist

Both science and mysticism agree, reality contains levels or dimensions:

Physicists are exploring the potential of quantum science to transform our
view of gravity and its connection to space and time. Quantum science may even reveal
how everything in the universe (or in multiple universes) is connected to everything
else through higher dimensions that our senses cannot comprehend.

- from website


The late Hindu non dualism guru (teacher), Nisargadatta Maharaj, use to tell his listeners repeatedly:
back up, go back, whatever level you are at, whatever place you are thinking or experiencing
from, go back from there. Find the the place or the level which is before that, prior to that.”

At the level of mind (ego), these two disciplines of thought take on opposite connotations. One seemingly positive and lofty, while the other seems negative and regressive. However, in actuality, both concepts are describing transcendence. Dimensions or levels of experience. Awareness of both the internal and external as one. In awareness, time, space, and relativity, do not exist. Your focused attention brings to bear the transformative power of awareness. Awareness is impersonal. Awareness is the One impersonal Self. You are this awareness. Awareness can free you from mind’s claim on identity. Your focused attention directed within, brings awareness to forefront, and engages the transformative quality of the universe.

Awareness is the most obvious element of experience and yet the most overlooked.”
- Rupert Spira, from Being Aware of Being Aware

You can not be out of awareness—it is missed simply
through the habit of placing the attention in thinking.”
- Peter Lawry

Take these chains from my heart and set me free.”
“Take these tears from my eyes and let me see.”
- lyrics by Hy Heath and Fred Rose

Let’s take a look at words for a bit. Words are just words. They are not the actual. Words did not come with your inception. All words are learned or obtained. Words arrive via mental activity. When you were an infant, adults around you were speaking words. As your inborn ability to reason developed, you began to pick them up, and have accumulated them ever since. Adding them to the idea of who you are … I’m smart, I’m stupid, I’m pretty, I’m ugly, and so on. Your mind claims these thoughts, spoken or not, as originating from it. The Christian parable about Adam and Eve living in the garden of Eden (paradise) until they ate from the tree of knowledge, is the simple story of the mind’s veiling of Adam and Eves’s true identities. The kicking out of paradise is the identification with thought, and putting the power of belief behind it. The knowledge of good and evil represents the dualistic nature of creation. The world could not exist but for dualism (opposites); night-day, sound-silence, this-that, etc… Thoughts are by nature dualistic and words are only voiced thoughts. This does not mean we should view words as our adversary. They’re what we have. The problem comes when we identify who we are with them. All thoughts are transient. Everything appearing in this phenomenal manifestation is ever changing. Sometimes quickly, sometimes over longer durations. Absolutely everything is impermanent except what you are. All our psychological suffering stems from our misidentification with mind (thoughts). When we see our thoughts as the natural functioning of the human organism (the attribute of reasoning), and know they arise from our, One true and constant identity, we can watch them come and go without getting caught-up in them. No more chasing whirlwinds of, or following down rabbit holes after. Random thoughts simply lose their hold on us. You no longer think of every thought as who you are. Your mind becomes your number one asset when it recognizes (re-cognizes) itself as subordinate to the One true “I am.” The I am that refers to your feeling sense of presence-awareness; “Being” (as in being a human, existing). Right here, right now, you exist. That’s the one and only true I am that you are!

The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.”
- unknown origin, but attributed to Robin Sharma,
David Foster Wallace, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Yogi Bhajan,

Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”

You and the world and the entire universe are modifications of
awareness. You and the universe are awareness in motion.”
- Deepak Chopra, M.D., from mindbodygreen podcast

You have learned thought arises from the unborn essence you are. The One essence, or the feeling sense of being, intelligence-energy-space. And, when the knowing is you are not your thoughts, but the awareness that perceives thoughts, words become your play things. Your mind is your ally. You are what you are. But you do exist in the so called world still, and words are very handy. Everything known is given a word, a label, so you and others can identify it. The object or concept must have a word attached to it (naming), for you to know, indicate, and communicate what a particular word is referring too. For example the word “house” is not the brick and mortar object. The word, h-o-u-s-e, doesn’t have a door or windows, you can’t get inside it. But the object it points to, the actual, has a door, windows, and you can enter it. Since we all learn and acquire words, we can associate the actual with the name attached to it. This is elementary, words 101. But we forget this basic concept. We come to think because we named it, the word is it. William Shakespeare pointed out this falsity with his famous adage “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” The saying points out, the names we give things do not affect what they actually are. If you use the word dung, in place of the word rose, it will not affect the sweet smell you perceive when you put your nose to it. The naming of things has probably been around since humankind first appeared, pointed at something, and voiced a sound. Many objects and numerous concepts have more than one word naming them as well. All this is just to say, “don’t get too hung up in the words.” Enjoy them, they’re just words, wear them loosely, so to speak.

Now, let’s look at an ancient naming from an age old book, the Bible, and see if we can ease some rigidity some of you may have. This book states: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Let’s use some different words for this concept of creation. In the beginning was expression, and the expression was with creation, and the creation was expression. When you apply what you’ve been reading here, as to your true nature, you are an expression of creation, appearing here and now. The old ones word that pointed to this expression of creation (being), was god. That’s all god is, a word that is not the actual but points to it. This ancient word being used to refer to that which can never be known or described. How everything came to be and appeared. A word that points to whatever THAT is. The ancient’s word, god, being the word used to label, or identify, that ultimate mystery we all ponder from time to time: “where did I come from?” “Why am I here?” What’s my purpose for being?” Now, if you find yourself shrinking away from the word god, choose another word. That ultimate mystery that is expressing as you, doesn’t mind what you call it. THAT can’t be named precisely. This writer has called it by many names (without being struck down by lightning once): That, Father, Presence, Awareness, Source, Consciousness, One, All There Is, NoThing, Beingness, the Absolute, and others. Words used as identifiers only, pointing towards what is trying to be written about here.

Trying? Well yes. All words fall far short of the ineffable subject that can’t be grasped as an object. Point is, there is an impersonal power or force nobody can know, beyond knowing that it is. Certainly the human brain can’t fathom it, after all, the brain was conceived by whatever that power is. Has anyone met their maker? I doubt it. Usually if a person meets his maker, so the old saying goes, they’re assumed to be dead. But that’s not the case. There’s no person here to meet their maker. The so called person being only a thought arising in the awareness of being that you are! An appearance or expression of creation. Person being only a word you misidentified with as your body-mind (personal). Look at the word itself, person. Its origin derived from the Latin word persona. Look persona up in the dictionary and you find: “the mask or facade of identity,” “the role adopted or assumed,” “a character in a fictional presentation.”  All these definitions giving credence to the person being only an imagine of thought. An appearance in the emptiness of open space. Which brings us back to investigating, in your own direct experience, an unquestioned belief you have about yourself only because everybody else believes it. Why not take a look for yourself. See if you are the activity of existing, the unknowable no-thing itSelf. Why not see for yourself? After all, what have you got to lose—pain, suffering, ego?

In order to free ourselves from the bondage of self, we must not take any credit for the actions we do. This is an act of surrender. Surrendering our sense of ego to the universe and a letting go of mind.

One more thought arising about words. Don’t take for granted or assume (ass u me) the so called mind knows for a fact the actual definition of any particular word. It may be your mind’s way of ignoring the simple and obvious truth. Dismissing it only to continue its reign of you. Keeping you in ignorance; ignorance(noun): the lack of knowledge or information. Take a moment to lookup the intended use of a word. Know its meaning in your own direct experience. You’ll be enlightened you did. When you were a child you delighted in new experiences and learning new things. As an adult you can rekindle your childlike wonder, and delight again by exploring the simplest of venues, the dictionary: venue(noun): the place where something happens.

If you prefer to suffer, go on believing your stressful thoughts.
But if you’d rather be happy, question them.”
Byron Katie, from A Mind at Home with Itself

It is actually impossible not to remain as this open space of consciousness.
However, to be it knowingly is a different matter.”
- Francis Lucille, from The Perfume of Silence

Happiness is your true nature. Happiness is the motivation behind every pursuit or experience of the human being. Pure joy, delight, and loving to be, is you. Where ever you direct your attention, awareness is there. You can’t fail. If you direct your attention on getting a new car, awareness is there. If you direct your attention on your own heart, awareness is there. Awareness is happiness in motion, creating, being, seeing, and loving to be. It’s always present, seeing, knowing, and being, consciously or unconsciously.

Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it.
What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”

― Sri Ramana Maharishi

Awareness opens the door, dissolves all the beliefs and opinions and
ideas that are in the way of and covering up your natural state of happiness.”
- Anthony de Mello, S.J.

The duration of happiness is at the heart of this matter. It’s not about learning words, concepts, or lessons. Nor practicing methods known to obtain or acquire a goal, or anything else you can do. There’s no you to do anything. It’s about recognizing movement, flow, the energy of nature in motion, as what your mind identifies with—as you. Seeing within as well as seeing without. Your mind (ego), is transformed to the asset Source created, when looked into and the falseness of its beliefs are seen. Thoughts and speech are vibrations of energy. In the book, “The Law of Attraction,” Abraham speaking through Esther, would use the power of vibration as an example. Higher vibrations lending to positive, light energy (joy, happiness, love), and lower vibrations lending to denser, negative energy (sadness, sorrow, resentment ). Your feelings being the indicator as to which direction your energy is vibrating. Scientists use the term vibration as it refers to energy as well. The action of, or movement in energy.  Remember waves? … vibration that transfers or moves energy from place to place.

The vibration of light is everywhere, omnipresent; ...”

— Swami Prabhavananda, from The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta

The light of life; energy, power. I use the words intelligence-energy-space in this book to point to that power which can’t be defined or described. Try defining or describing the “action” of animating. In an Urban Guru Cafe interview, Leo Hartong uses the excellent analogy (paraphrased here): The taste of an apple is not difficult. It is just difficult to describe how it tastes. This doesn’t mean the venture of tasting it is difficult. And, Paul Hedderman gives numerous, often funny, analogies and pointers on his website,, in attempts to share what he has been so freely given. One such pointer that resonated with this writer in particular was (paraphrased): We think we’re a noun, but we’re actually a verb. Vibration, energy, movement, activity, motion. All these words pointing to that omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, no thing. All powerful, all knowing, and present everywhere. Not a person (an object), not a lump of stone (an object), but that cognizing, ineffable power, which could produce a lifeless person, or animate the inanimate stone to life if so inclined. The mind’s flaw is to give this incomprehensible power a body. In many instances, a man with a white fluffy beard, sitting on a cloud somewhere. Intelligent, invisible to sight, Power in perpetual motion, manifesting everything in this phenomenal reality—or illusion. Whatever word you label it with, in trying to describe the physicality of you, me, the world, and the universe, has no relevance or significance to the existence, or actuality of it. To know that it is, is all that matters. Ineffable Power that creates universal laws of relativity. If you step in a puddle of water your foot is going to get wet. If you step off a dock, the whole body is likely to get wet. Activity, action, motion, movement, all being produced by the One power that is all. Tides, rotations of planets and stars, photosynthesis, all the same intelligence-energy-space that is functioning every organism on this planet. Vibrations of energy increase in the body-mind object, as it comes into alignment with these natural laws governing the universe. Like if the front end of your car is wobbly, it needs alignment, and you take the necessary steps to deliver it to a maintenance shop. The mechanic performs the required work, and afterward the ride smooths out. Recognizing the mind is not the doer of any action is paramount alignment.  How does one do this, if not the doer? The same way an athlete trains for his or her sport, or an actor or actress rehearses for their performance—repetition—with perfection of being in mind. Not thinking about what to do, just doing the next logical action. Trusting the result, whatever it may be, as being just as it’s supposed to be.

Realization is not acquisition of anything new nor is it a new faculty.
It is only removal of all camouflage”

― Ramana Maharshi

A lot of the new age movement is ancient knowledge just coming back around. Like music, fashion, and hairstyles do. Prayer, meditation, mantras, devotion, etc…all just a means (an action word) of realigning with the perfection of the natural order of things. Act as if. Imitate that which is everything already, which already includes you. This is not to suggest you develop a regime and practice it rigidly. Wear doing loosely, like with words, see through to the actual. “Doing” is  just another word pointing to that perfection of motion that is you. Listen within, let the natural being of nature be your guide. It won’t be perfection from the get go. False starts are expected in most attempts at anything. But with application (another action word) your inner guru, so to speak, will guide you. You are it already, be gentle with it. You’re practicing a verb, not a noun. It’s a different way of coming at you, being. A way you grow into. Remember, as a child, growing up, you learned in many ways to rely on your mind for answers. Allow yourself to follow along, and grow up again, as this energy in motion guides you. By following your inner instincts, and placing trust in intuition, you’ll regrow into your true Self, and come to rely on a depth of knowledge and wisdom a hundred fold more intelligent than your mind.

Perpetual motion, high vibration of energy, never ending joy and happiness— all synonymous. Happiness sliding up and down along a feeling scale ranging from underlying sense of, to the ecstatic, but always present. You no longer need a new car or house or relationship to make you happy. You are happy. If you obtain an object of desire it’s enjoyed for itself, because you no longer need it to make you happy. Happiness is based on no need, but for the simple joy of experiencing. Experiencing energy in motion, you. Perfection allowed to express through and as you. Some One told this One a story recently. In this story the aspiring mind was ushered into a place that had hundreds of dominos making up the floor. The guide pointed to one domino and asked what the number on it was. The aspirant replied, 343. The guide pointed across the room to another domino, and asked the same question. The aspirant saw the number 6 on it, and said so. The guide then ushered the mind out of the room. The aspiring mind then asked the guide, “why did you show me those dominoes?” The guide replied, “you cannot arrive at domino 343 from 6, without first visiting the dominoes between.” False starts, in most cases, are inevitable. Stumbling blindly, even with a guide, a particular domino may be missed. This is not failure. This is life growing up. Some aspirants may be starting from an ego standpoint that amounts to a moderate treasonous revolt, while others may experience mutiny on the high seas of consciousness, and fear for their very lives, the thought plaguing them that they’re about to be thrown overboard. This is to say, early in the game, you will experience resistance from mind. The mind has been the pirate captain of the ship for a long time. It does not like being challenged. Hold the course. Learn to trust again. Trust the process much in the same way you did when your mother or father took you haltingly to that dreaded closet door, and when opened, you saw there was no monster hiding there. Open that door again, in your mind, and see for yourself there is no phantom captain at the helm.

“the illumined soul has no ego; his ego is merged in the Godhead.
When he returns to a lower plane of consciousness he is again aware
of his Individuality; but now he has a “ripe” sense of ego which
does not create any bondage for himself or for others.”

— Swami Prabhavananda, from The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta

And, from the same book, the Svetasvatara Upanishad is quoted (slightly paraphrased);

Imagine the vast universe as a wheel. Upon it are all creatures that are subject to birth, death,
and relativity. Round and round it turns, never stopping. It is the wheel of Totality. As long as the
individual self (ego) thinks it is separate from Totality, it revolves upon the wheel in bondage
to the laws of birth, death, and relativity. But, when through the experience of non-doing (grace),
the ego realizes its identity with Totality, it revolves upon the wheel no longer.

Transcendence happens, perfection achieved, your true Self.

From the Christian rendition of The Sermon on the Mount:

When Jesus was asked:

“When will the kingdom come?”

Jesus replied:

“The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’
or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you”
— Luke gospel

“It will not come to those who wait for it. No one can say, ‘It is here’ or ‘It is there.’ Instead,
the Kingdom of the Father is spread out across the earth, but people do not see it.”
— Thomas gospel

In closing this section, a final thought arose, which is included below.
A simple mantra may be of use (or may not):

I, as ego, do no action today,
but the doing is getting done.

What’s your passion? What lights up every cell in that body? This is what’s being pointed to. Seeing now, wholly. Taking the lens cap of ego off the eyes. Mind doesn’t see, eyes see. But thought, which is all mind is, tells you it’s doing the seeing. If your functioning eyes were removed, and put in a blind man’s sockets, the eyes would facilitate seeing in that head. Eyes are organs. They facilitate seeing only. No matter what the mind tells you. Now, anything we say is only concept and open to interpretation. “I am,” are the only words not open to concept. They alone can not be disputed. You exist! You nor any other being can deny this simplest truth. And this simple truth alone, can negate the illusion of anything enduring being seen by the eyes in the world of objects. See the space. Bring space to awareness. You see the words printed here just fine. Complete the seeing, wholly, by including the space the words appear on. The background of foreground. The foreground and background of opposites, the dualism that allows everything (every thing) to appear. Could you see the words here if not for the background? See the space between each word of this sentence as you read it. Observe the words and the page as a whole. The two, make one. Don’t let your mind ignore the apparent nothing (no thing). No rush, take all the time you need to read this page consciously. Do you think what your eyes are seeing out there is all that’s to be seen? This thought denies ‘the seeing’ inherent and readably available to you.

Why do you only clean the outside of the cup? Do you not know
that both the outside and the inside were made by the same maker?”
- Jesus, from gospel of Thomas

No object out there will ever satisfy as experiencing does. But the seeing of two being one must happen. Another invitation to explore. When your desire, your thought, “I want that,” flows outwardly to any object, pull the focus of your attention back from the object, and see within. Follow the flow of desire back to its origin, passion. Leave the external object behind and trace the desire, which is only reflected in the object. The passion lies within. Objects come and go. No object can ever fulfill you. Look back on any object you’ve ever acquired. How long did the passion that drove desire to procure it, take to dissolve? When the passion leaves, the object becomes just another possession. There’s no passion in having it. Has any object you desired and obtained, ever lit up every cell in your body for more than a day, a week, a month, or two? Didn’t you grow restless once more, and start looking for the next object or event or relationship that your mind said would fulfill you? Your mind keeps you looking in the wrong direction. Or, better put, in only one direction. The tangible. The only thing mind recognizes. And because you place your attention on the ever changing thoughts of mind, you lose focus. Think of a camera, attention is on the object. Focus narrows, click, the picture taken. Does the photographer now possess the passion? Can he look at the picture and say, there’s my passion? No, the picture is not the experience. You never see passion in an object out there. Only reflection. It’s the sheer joy of the photographer’s ‘heart desire,’ experiencing the chase for that perfect photo that lights her/him up inside (passion). In the same way, with attention directed within, and focus on nothing (no thing), passion lights up. But you’re now at the source of the passion. It’s not an instantaneous fix. There wouldn’t be any need for these words if so. The world you’re seeing exists in a state of instant gratification demanded. “I want what I want when I want it.”  Each time you withdraw attention from without, and focus within, you disengage from illusion and create internal space. The eternal engine within is rusty at first, because the mind has diverted attention out there for so long. But the heart can’t help but respond. Each time that hand-crank of the most powerful engine you can imagine receives attention, a little more spark is produced. That spark of recognition grows, and like fire burst forth from kindling attended, so will the heart respond with a blaze, You’ll never need any object again. For you’ll see, all those objects—are you. You’re the true object of your desire.

The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires.”

“I once had a thousand desires. But in my one
desire to know you all else melted away.”

Everyone has been made for some particular work,
and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.”

Passion, joy, the sheer delight of experiencing, and loving to be—all stored in the human heart. All hidden from simple seeing by the outward focused mind. Go within and discover the secrets of the universe. The passion that is you.

You can not think your way into knowing, seeing, experiencing. We’re talking about the ‘ing’-ness of life, inherent in experiencing—action, not an inanimate thing. Not the dead and forgotten moment passed, but the immediacy of this moment, here now! Life! The same experiencing pointed to by the old words, living father. This pointing is nothing personal. All pointers point to the same no thing. The perpetual engine of the universe, intelligence-energy-space, manifesting as all that is. Expressing as appearance in all our seeing. The truth or essence of who you really are will shine through, when attachment to thought as identity falls away. You’ll be disturbed at first, and then amazed. Look within. For not for within, without would not exist.

“One is never afraid of the unknown;
one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”
- Jiddu Krishnamurti

Knowing knows your passion, your heart’s desire. It’s as simple as the script line said by the character, Dorothy, in the movie, “The Wizard of Oz:” “… If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard...” Knowing is not intellect, “I know this,” or “I know that.” The mind will always fall short of knowing. The backyard here, the understanding trying to be conveyed, is—Dorothy’s heart experiencing in response to Glinda telling her she has always had the power to go home. Home is where the heart is, within you.  Life intrinsic, or life unfolding, perpetually—through and as you. The mind is only thought, and thought morphs into beliefs. Beliefs you have about yourself. Beliefs that may, or may not be true. Sort them out for yourself, in your own direct experience. We missed knowing who we are in part to our lack of training, not receiving vital information as to our true nature. Information that was not passed on by our parents to us, because, just like with us, it was not passed on from their parents to them, and their parents before them, and back and back and back it goes. Who and what we are could be taught to a child. There is still a knowing there that ignorance (ignoring it), and the world we live in, has yet to train out. We are all the activity of, experiencing. Appearing just to experience. Intelligent energy spinning space at such terrific speeds as to form and shape every object or thing appearing in the surrounding clear background of space. Once again, as sailor Bob Adamson says; “You are the content of space, that body there, nothing but space really.” See beyond what the mind is telling you you are, via it’s claiming thoughts as you. See beyond to the real … the real you!












Suspenseful music: “doo-do-doo-do, doo-do-doo-do, doo-do-doo-do—doooo”

This is a good spot to point to MIND. The MIND prior to mind’s hijacking. The MIND that perceives both the internal and external world. The MIND that functions properly. The MIND that has been returned to its correct position as servant instead of master. This big MIND knows how to observe only. Unless the thought arising is pursued. Not pursued by little mind, but pursued as the natural functioning of the organism (sometimes referred to as non-doing). When the little mind is out the way, the Universe flows through as ought be, magnifying clarity and understanding many, many, many, fold.

It’s natural to imitate that which creates us. And if you look you will see our imitations in everything that is. Shadows or reflections of real. When you look at your television, computer, or phone, would anything appear to you if not for their screen? Couldn’t you call the images appearing there shadows or reflections of real? If you were the screen you could … and would. The screen is the real to those objects very existence. For not of the screen to appear on, the images could not be seen. Clear open space is the screen of the universe that all patterns we see take shape on. You, me, the television, computer, phone, and every other object, thought, sensation, feeling or possibility that could possibly ever be, appears on the screen of awareness—space. The final frontier which desires your attention. In our dualistic creation it always takes both. There can not be a foreground without a background. If I say to you, “what’s the first thing you see,” and point to a tree, what’s your response? The mind ignores the obvious, the clear open space between eyes and tree. It’s nothing, no thing. No wonder we missed what we are. No training, and we didn’t see the thief, because the thief conceals itself behind “I am.”  So you perceive yourself to be this imaginary entity of foreground. Like invisible man theory, the bank isn’t robbed because there is no one there to rob it. The invisible thought factor of mind. We were only taught, and therefore aware of a half truth; I exist! I am! And the mind presumed the body to be I, and the I am to refer to it, and we, from ignorance, allowed it; Voilà—a belief was born! And the power behind the power of belief began its perpetual motion. It doesn’t matter whether the thought is true or false, the power of the universe is not dualistic. The universe is the one and only non duality. One! True and false are concept, mind. Through your thought comes the reality reflected, regardless of dualism. For example, if mind tells you, you never get a break. The thought arises in you, “I never get a break,” and out it goes into the universe. The more this thought comes up, the more you experience it in the world. Arising within, projected without, and reflected back by world, as experience. When we see that mind can only think in terms of things, half the equation, and investigate for ourself if mind is real or not, we see the other half of the equation—which equals the whole. Whole and complete, here and now. This, other half of the story filled in, we recognize the falseness of the pirate captain at the helm of our ship. Life as intended was kidnapped, pirated away, and the treasure that is us, was buried. Buried under layers and layers of false thoughts we took onboard about ourselves. Guarded by the skeleton atop the treasure chest—Belief. But with recollection, re-collecting the truth you inherently already know, via direct experience investigation, that hand at the helm is revealed to be a gentle warm breeze, sailing our ship smoothly throughout the sometimes rough seas of consciousness.

“The breeze of grace is always blowing.
Set your sail to catch that breeze.

- Sri Ramakrishna

We hear phrases such as, ‘reborn of the spirit, ‘the road less taken,’ or ‘the spiritual path,’ by many. And that is beautiful language. These feet, figuratively speaking, began their ‘second chance life’ along such a way. Today, when thoughts come up referring to my story, they’re more like, ‘two stories, one life.’ Like a double feature movie, one horror show, and one love story. The contrast between, extraordinary. Prior to being slammed down, kicking and screaming, on what looked to be a very muddy and bleak dirt road, I thought I was living the life. Cruising down an interstate—in the fast lane. Leaving others behind to eat my exhaust and blowing the horn to clear others out my way. How wrong that little personal ‘my,’ ‘mine,’ ‘all about me,’ mind was. It refused to see what everyone else already saw, a rolling wreck, out of control, and for all intents and purposes had already crashed and burned. Call the ambulance or hearse quick! And then witnessing the poignancy of Romeo and Juliette, and that muddy dirt road turning out to be paved in gold. Rumi put it well; “Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.”

The seeing now is a pathless path. In the audiobook, “Perfect Brilliant Stillness,” author David Carse, cites the words of Wei Wu Wei; ‘that there is no path to follow because all paths lead from here to there, and thus lead away from all that is, from the only place there is to be, from home.’ And then continues; “There is no path that leads from here to here…” He goes on to say, “you are already here.” Home, the ultimate destination by any name or path. If you’re already home, what use is a path? Just be where you are. If you don’t think you’re already home—stop thinking! Put thought on pause. Be still. Just be. Experience life unfolding. Stay bored if that’s what is. Welcome it. When thought returns, pause it again. Refuse to join with mind. It can be very demanding of your attention at first. When distracted by random thoughts returning, pause them again. The mind is not your master. Thoughts are transitory. How many of yesterday’s random thoughts can you remember? They don’t mean anything. Watch them come and go like ants on a hill. Without the false, separate entity, “me,” claiming the thinking as, “my thoughts,” space opens up to allow for the knowing of the universe to enter, and with loyalty and devotion, take up residence.

“What’s wrong with right now, if you don’t think about it?”
- Sailor Bob (Adamson)

If a path is to be imagined, consider this one,
the “Pollen Path” of the Navajo nation:

“Oh, beauty before me, beauty behind me,
beauty to the right of me, beauty to the left of me,
beauty above me, beauty below me,
I'm on the pollen path.”

There is a wide variety of stories on how the individual’s recognition of their true nature arises in this One or that One. The only thing they all have in common is they began. They acted. All action takes place in the immediacy. This moment. You never did anything—then. Nor will anything done take place—later. No doing ever takes place in past nor future. Doing can only happen now. If you remember last weeks meeting, you remember it now. If you dread the meeting scheduled for next week, you dread it now. All mind stuff! You didn’t travel to past or future, except in thought. Thought prevents your hearing the calling within. Mind static! Don’t let the phantom interrupt the call. Your direct, private line with the universe. Not a two-party line with mind. Some use the word, intuition. Whatever you want to label it matters not. Following it is all that matters. Learning to trust it. That gentle “hit” from within, the mind always second guesses. How many times have you not followed that internal guidance and fallen short of a desired outcome? Ever say something like, “Oh, I should have followed my gut,” or “I knew it!,” or, “something told me to…” And still, the next time, you unquestionably ignore the inner knowing again. Movies portray this inborn quality repeatedly:

Trust the force, Luke.”
“Use the force, Luke—Let go.”
“May the force be with you.”
— Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, from Star Wars

”Don’t think you are, know you are.”
“Come on, stop trying to hit me and hit me.”
“I'm trying to free your mind, Neo.”
— Morpheus, from The Matrix

If you build it, he will come.”
“Ease his pain.”
“Go the distance.”
— The Voice, from Field of Dreams

Did you think, “yeah, only in a movie?” That’s your mind! Awareness is present whether you are or not. Don’t think, do the next right thing and the doing is done. If it’s happening, it’s what is, or else it wouldn’t be happening. Every act you have ever done took place in the moment you did it. Don’t put one book down and pick up another thinking you haven’t found the best fit yet. “This stuff’s just not making any sense to ‘me’.” This is not about thinking. No words written in a thousand books can ever come close to the wealth of knowing within you. Listen within, follow that inner knowing. Have you ever watched a baby learning to walk? It’s amazing how many false starts happen. But no matter how many times he or she stumbles or falls, the passion and urge to walk overrides the failure. Till all of a sudden, low and behold, the parent is chasing after that toddler at full gallop. That baby isn’t thinking, it’s acting. Be like that baby. “Pause the thought,” as sailor Bob puts it. The stillness, and peace from mind experienced, if only for the briefest of seconds, is your inherent natural state. Naked awareness present without the noise of mind. You can not fail in this endeavor less you give up the struggle (or continue listening to your mind). One in the same. It takes only a split second for the seeing to occur. And with recollection (re-collecting) and the determination of that baby, an equilibrium can get foothold in mind, which allows space to open, and more space will open, and an equanimity will bloom.

“Of the soft and weak things in the world, none is weaker than water.
But in overcoming that which is firm and strong, nothing can equal it.
That which is soft conquers the hard. Rigidity and hardness are
companions of death. Softness and tenderness are companions of life.

— Lao Tzu

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness: for they shall be filled.

- Matthew gospel

He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in.
- Thomas gospel

Blessed are the poor, for yours is the kingdom of heaven.
- Thomas gospel

It’s amazing, Molly. The love inside, you take it with you.”
Sam, from the movie, Ghost (1990)

You take it with you, or more succinctly, you return to it. Like a wave goes back in the ocean. The body pattern breaks down, but the essence that you are, disappears back to the nothingness from whence it came. The finite returns to infinite. Manifested intelligence-energy-love, returns to the benevolent, unmanifested pure love of emptiness. When you get down to the basic nitty-gritty, we’re still at nothingness, space. Whether described in the poetic language of mystics, messiahs, and profits, throughout the ages, or the new folks on the block, scientists, physicists, and mathematicians. This is not to diss the newbie’s. They just haven’t been around as long. There methods and terminology are no less to be coveted, than the sayings and teachings of the masters. Nor are the pointers within movies, podcasts, or audios, to be ignored.

“I understand, I will never understand. I am not the I
that cannot understand I will never understand.

— Paul Hedderman

Bottom line, the message reaching as many ears and minds as possible, in whatever language, whatever words, or whatever form the message takes, is the human heart’s desire, as well as the universe’s, for the two are not two, but One. Love, joy, happiness, and loving to be. The eternal dance and song, the wheel or circle of life, the infinite expressing as finite through us. If one is willing to go the distance, to follow the innate guidance system built-in, in order to meet Source Energy even part way, one has the necessary zeal to reach out and touch the stars of the universe within. Achieve union, God Consciousness.

There is an excellent portrayal of this truth in the “Star Trek” episode V’Ger. At the crucial moment, when Captain Kirk (as mind in this scenario) is about to enter the final string of code for V’Ger to complete its programming, V’Ger burns out its receiver wires, in order to meet its creator face to face. And transcendence happens, V’Ger experiences union, and evolves.

“If a thing loves, it is infinite.
- William Blake

Love is a fruit in season at all times
and within reach of every hand

- Mother Teresa

I see you.” — “I see you.”
Jake    and    Neytiri
- from the movie, Avatar

I see you, I see into you, I see beyond you,

I respect you, I love you—for I am you.

- the Universe

Union with God. Touch the face of our creator. Meet face to face with all mankind. All achievable, right here, right now, in this immediacy. Right where you’re sitting, or standing, or walking, running, swimming, or climbing. For this intelligence-energy is vibrating and functioning that pattern you call you at this moment. One. All inclusive. There’s nothing else. That’s what non duality is all about. That’s what seeking finds, if you stop the seeking. Seeing the One in everything seen. Can’t put it into words? Nobody can! Hence, the living father in the beginning, and intelligence-energy-space today. The same life energy flowing. One and the same regardless of words. Try to put into words the knowing that feels right in your skin. No need. Acceptance is the key. The key to the lock on your heart. Turn this key and forgive others as you long to be forgiven. This wish for others will go out to the universe and be reflected back to you. It’s the law of the universe. Seek and ye shall find are not just lofty words that sound good in a book, but point to this universal law which will be your experience, now! Love is eternal. Not something to be possessed. Love with all your heart is capable, and that love will be reflected back. It’s the law! Laws of relativity exist in the world for they are created as all is. All things imagined or unimaginable are created by that benevolent intelligence-energy-space. The seeing of all this lies within you. You need only go there.

“Who burns with the bliss
And suffers the sorrow
Of every creature
Within his own heart,
Making his own
Each bliss and each sorrow:
Him I hold highest
Of all the yogis.”
Sri Krishna

There is nothing you as an identified ego could have done or not done prior to this moment to change any of this. You simply did not have the vital information. The good news is, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t see it then, because you can investigate now. And now is all there is.

The so called person does not exist beyond the word, p-e-r-s-o-n. Words are only written or spoken thought. Mind stuff again. There is only life flowing through and animating the human being, just as it flows through and animates a bear, or lizard, or bug. The little mind is not needed for the human’s innate natural functions; thinking, reasoning, and conceptualizing. In fact, it is the little mind that causes the brain to malfunction. The immediacy of this moment is what you are, even if you don’t see it. The activity of be-ing-ness is what is. It doesn’t matter if you name it, only words put on it. It is the I-ness itself. Living and loving as you. You are the pure energy-filled field of intelligent open space, appearing to yourself in and as the multiplicity of objects appearing. There is only ONE, and you are none other than this ONE. Consider a mirror, and for the purpose of this analogy, you are the mirror. All objects appearing in the mirror are reflections and all appearance is seen by you, but you cannot see yourself as reflection because you are the mirror. You are what you’re searching for. If you’re searching for a new car you can go to an auto lot and find it. If you’re searching for dinner you can go to a restaurant or a grocery store and find food. But, when you’re searching for what you are, you can never find it, because you are it.

The cosmic joke in the journey of the seeker is that the energy that fuels the seeking
is precisely what is being sought. In Zen this is called ‘riding an ox in search of an ox.’
Wei Wu Wei compared it to looking for your spectacles, not realizing that they
are on your nose and, were you not looking through them,
you wouldn’t be able to see what you are looking for.”
— Leo Hartong, Awakening to the Dream

You are the no thing, projecting (creating) and reflecting in space, the mirror of creation, seeing itself as—what if I appear like this? Intelligence-energy-space, the infinity, is not physical therefore does not have eyes. You are the eyes of the formless, boundless, emptiness of space. The kingdom of heaven, to use ancient words. You are not just one object appearing in the mirror, you are every object appearing in the mirror, as well as being the mirror itself. An all inclusive, ONE! ONE is All There Is, and you are an expression of this all there is. You have always been whole and complete, right from the get go. It is the little mind that tells you otherwise.

What the heart feels, the mouth will speak.

All linear time, past and future, does not exist in eternity, for linear time is created by THAT as well. In Totality eternal is all there is. There is no such thing as time except for it’s reflection in the mirror. Imaginings, what if?  Like a script writer creating a movie, we exist in a seamless appearance in and on space, with all the trappings of a past and future we call (or name) life. We are the producer, movie, screen, and audience simultaneously. An all inclusive ONE. There is nothing simpler than one, till the mind ignores it because it’s to simple.

It is precisely for the reason that Truth is utterly simple, basic,
elementary and totally obvious, that it is completely overlooked."

— Ramesh S Balsekar

Your belief in what your mind is telling you (dualism), is the blindness that has prevented you from seeing it. The eternal game of hide ‘n seek. You were never separate, you only thought you were, because of your belief in the mind, your mistaken identity. You are like the story of the baby eagle that is raised by chickens. All your life you hop around clucking and pecking at the ground while at the same time feeling you are so much more than this damn chicken. And then, one day, you see yourself in another eagle, soaring high across the sky and recognize, “hey, that’s what I am,” but because of mistaken identity, the mind promptly dismisses this revelation, and you’re still left clucking and pecking at the ground. Well it’s time to be what you are, to recognize, or re-cognize, what you’ve always already known. In this story, you are that eagle soaring high in the sky. In reality, or the  appearance of things, you are the reflection of that animating life essence or power—imagining! Creating the multitude of diversity of endless possibilities. The benevolent, Source energy power, that creates, sustains, and functions everything, everywhere, just to see (image) itself. From the smallest micro whatever on this planet, to the planet itself, and stretching out into the vastness of space to appear as it imagines there, and everywhere.

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.”
William Blake, Auguries of Innocence

Words are a distraction to enlightenment.
Getting rid of conceptual thinking means enlightenment.
— Ramesh S Balsekar

“The right direction, if there were such a thing, is looking anywhere without using
the mind as a filter. See things as they are. The present moment is right now,
without any addition from the mind. If you can see the appearance, outside
of thought, then you will also notice that there is no need for the person
you have imagined as yourself. Progress, if there were such a thing, would be
to spend more time in those moments of absolute presence/awareness and
in the total immediacy of right now. This is not something that you practice,
just notice that it is happening now, with or without the mind’s participation.”

― John Greven, Oneness: The Destination You Never Left

Energy has but two movements, outward and inward. I believe we are in a period of ever increasing inward movement. Energy flowing back to itself to rest. Manifested energy returning to unmanifested, or energy at rest. This is not rocket science or physics, though either may help with the understanding. Look energy up in Wikipedia or elsewhere. Their explanation is far superior to mine. Just realize while there explanation pertains to the physicalities of matter, that matter, if you want to call it that, is the same principle functioning us, as human objects (matter). The two basic movements or principles of energy can be grasped by most anyone, and apply to everyone. These are exciting times. More and more of earth’s population is awakening to these principles and applying them to themselves. A shift in world consciousness is on the horizon. Don’t miss the chance to secure your ticket. Investigate now for yourself. It’s surely going to be the thrill of lifetimes, so to speak. Possibilities are endless in my imagination, and I probably don’t even come close. All you have to do is recognize, whatever is to happen, you are a reflection in the cause and movement of the happening. Intelligence-energy-space, the living (non personal) father of all that is. The ride is waiting. Really you’re already on it. The only question is, consciously or unconsciously. Either way, happening!

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We
have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
— Albert Einstein

As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance.“
— John Wheeler

"The man of wisdom is devoid of ego even though he may appear to use it.
His vacant or fasting mind is neither doing anything nor not doing anything.
He is outside of volition, neither this nor that. He is everything and nothing."

— Ramesh S Balsekar

What else is there without the mind? Find out. You’re already off to a wonderful start, recognizing you can not say, “I am not.” You know you are. Whether thinking the thought “I am,” or not, you still are. So you’ve already seen the mind is not needed to be. Why? Because you do not cease being when you stop thinking. This is the access point to what your mind has dismissed as unimportant and ignores. Your being presupposes your thinking. But, you have it the other way around. In actuality, being is what you are. Just like a bear is being a bear, a lizard is being a lizard, and a bird is being a bird, you are being a homo sapient, a human being, or in context, being a human.

Take a close look at some simple thoughts you may have. Thoughts such as, “I don’t know how I did that,” “I don’t know why that happened to me,” or, “I can’t live with myself anymore.” You can probably identify a few in yourself with a look. Don’t these thoughts imply two? Are there two of you? These thoughts have both, a subject, and an object. Which one are you? Would the real so-n-so please stand up?

The real Mind is the human being’s innate gift. Point to your mind. Forehead or temple, right? Indicating what’s inside your skull. Pay close attention. The organ inside your skull is the brain. This is where it gets tricky. Your mind/Mind is thought. Your little mind gradually usurped the big Mind, during your natural development process as you matured—undetected. All your senses were directed outward at this fascinating world surrounding you. Your ears heard very little of anything real occurring within you, and what they did hear was indiscernible information. The brain received all this information, regarding your inner and outer worlds. Your brain is the CPU for your senses, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. Your brain was receiving, processing, and feeding masses of information gathered daily about this world around you, and the mind was interpreting the information, and coming to conclusions about how you fit in to this complexity. Science has terms (words) for how they think the mind operates, but for our purpose, we’re going to look at it basically as: the mechanics of the brain mechanisms in action, functioning our gift of thinking, reasoning, and conceptualizing. The little mind received overwhelming amounts of external based information, while receiving scant internal info from the CPU brain. Attention and focus dictated, in order to do it’s job efficiently, and orient itself to the complexities of the external, it could just discard the scant internal information received as unimportant, and ignore it. All this was going on as you continued to develop. This gave rise to a seemingly independent nature. Independent from Totality, for Totality includes both the inside, as well as the out. The little mind took on this separate, “in charge,” characteristic as itself. And the woes began. For this little mind, derived all meaning from the constantly changing world it was born from, and to. Attaching identity to each thought arising, and determining for itself, if it was necessary or not, to it’s survival and enjoyment. And so it went. What peace does that offer? How can one rest with a whirlwind of information pouring in constantly, and attachment to each thought having meaning to existence? The little mind assumed reality revolved around itself (you), and eventually spins-out from overload. And here it’s led you. In seek of a better way. The big Mind stirs for the first time, in a long time, as a sense of hope is perceived, yet the little mind doesn’t want to let go of it’s control. It wants both, control and help, and it can not be this way. The universe will help, but only if the determination to ask is sought. The little mind is full of resistance towards a possibility it ignored so long ago. It fears following, but loves existence, and is at a loss for answers. The tentative tentacles of your little mind, are reaching out in search of that internal information ignored long ago. And your search is on. The search to survive, at first. Then, blossoming into the search to live and be happy.

“Round and round and round we go,
chasing THAT we do not know
Words of wisdom words of woe
but knowing knows, no words know”
Memos from Heart

The little mind, short on answers, concludes to survive, it must have more information. Gaps need to be filled in. And, in light of you finding this obscure writing, your little mind, ego, has let go of a smidgen of that control. Where the story leads from here is up to you. Your ego will tend to cling to the known. But your larger Mind has stirred, and offers hope. That internal guidance system is there, alluring and calling. There are several names mentioned in this book, that have been right where you are. You have to do the work though. Nobody can do it for you. The One’s cited in this book, as well as other One’s, can point towards truth. You’ll have to trust, have faith, and the ability to step through the little mind’s warnings of danger—to its very existence. For the end-goal here is, the end of a separate little entity, known by the word, mind, or ego. The internet has opened up a way not possible in the past, to receive the eternal passed along message from throughout the ages. And, it has landed on your doorstep. Baby steps work, and pointers abound, in our high-tech era. Remember this: becoming will never happen. The little mind knows how to become something. It can keep you “becoming,” till the body pattern breaks down and returns to dust. Being is your solution. It’s all there is! Don’t get trapped in illusions from the little mind that you’re learning how to walk on water. That you’re going to become the spiritual know-all and save the world. The world doesn’t need saving. There is nothing to be gained here that adds anything to what you already are. If achieving comes up, that’s the little mind. The only guarantee here is, freedom from the bondage of self. Freedom from that separate little mind entity, and an end to searching. Self realization is simple and ordinary. Becoming is hard and a trap.

Is Consciousness in you? Or, is that thought erroneous? Is what you thought actually backwards? If I am is not this person, but only points to nothing, then consciousness certainly can not be in this nothing (no thing). Therefore this apparent person must be appearing in consciousness.

A brief look at time may be helpful. Linear time exists in the world you experience. If not for time, you wouldn’t have your story. Your mind, as master, is diverting your attention from now, the immediacy of this—“each moment.” It most often whisks you away to past or future. Time does not exist in the eternal you are. The little mind can not maintain its facade of control in the immediacy of this present moment. Have you ever experienced a single thing, thought, word, or deed, apart from the moment you experienced it in? No. Experience is always action. A verb. You are energy in motion, experiencing, loving to be. Past and future are mental concepts only. There’s no “livingness” in either. Maybe you’ve heard the phrase that points to this, “past and future are twin thieves, robbing you of the present?” Memories are a special type of thought. When you remember something, these past thoughts arise in the immediacy of the current moment. Future is anticipation or concern. Things you want, or don’t want, imagined to happen. Possibilities arising and presenting themselves in the immediacy of right now. Both past and future are illusion. All there really is—is now. Any experience can only take place at the moment it’s experienced. The present moment. The present moment just is. It’s not a thing. Therefore the mind can’t grasp it. And to maintain control, it escapes into imagined places where things exist. Imagination, past or future, is concept. A thing.

The little mind is a master trickster, made up of smokescreens, diversions, and delusions. All aimed at the  target of control, with the bullseye—self preservation. A child’s song points to this: “the devil is a sly old fox, If  I could catch him I’d put him in a box, lock the box and throw away the key, for all the tricks he's' played on me.” Transpose mind and devil, well, you get the picture. Time does not exist except in your mind! And mind, as separate entity, does not exist except in time. We acquired the word time by the naming of two concepts: “duration (points on a clock or calendar at which to meet, arrive, or depart from)” and, of course, “the linear continuum (reference to past or future).”

Yesterday, when it was tomorrow, it was too much day for me.
— Winnie the Pooh, from the movie, Christopher Robin

And what is time without space? Space is in you and all around you. Yet mind can not abide space, anymore so than it can abide without time. As previously pointed to, mind ignores the clear open space, and focuses exclusively on the objects. Things! Space is empty, shapeless, formless, without a center point, and boundless. Yet nothing (no thing) could appear to our eyes without it. And we are that nothing, that no thing. Can something come from nothing? Of course not. Everything is nothing, appearing. You, me, the tree, bush, frog, antelope, mountain, lake, sun, moon, etc…etc…etc… No Thing, appearing! Space appearing differently, denser, or seemingly more solid. But still just space. Ask any scientist. This point on the clock that is not you, is more like a stand alone blemish to mind. An illusion it can’t maintain without being able to claim the body for it’s own. This claiming is the ego mechanism in action, or, in more spiritual words, divine hypnosis. In other words, this present moment, or immediacy of now, is not so much a place on the mental timeline continuum of past to future, as it is a stand alone point the mind can’t account for. When the mind continues to fool you into ignoring the obvious (ignorance), what you don’t see can hurt you. In the form of all that psychological suffering. Mind’s illusory hoax. Take a look for yourself. Prove me right or wrong. Just every day, run of the mill, follow the crowd thinking—the unquestioned mind. The little mind can not hold up to investigation. All there ever is is ONE. One subject-object relationship functioning naturally. Or, more on target, one subject only, reflecting and appearing to itself in and on the screen of awareness (space).

The two step program:

1. Deconstruct the not you. Investigate for yourself, the so called mind.
2. Recognize what you are. An expression of One. The All There Is.

The brain is a magnificent tool. When examined, you’ll see it has only three basic functions. It compares, measures, and describes. Your gift of reasoning. The brain thrives on solving problems. So put your organic computer on task. Continue to ask your brain, “Okay Mr. Brain, who am I?” See if the mind can show you a “me.” Keep asking until answered. Sometimes asking formally, sometimes casually. Refresh the question while going about your day, as often as possible. Keep your brain chewing on the problem. Keep your expectation on receiving an answer. You have charged it with solving a problem. This is it’s primary purpose. You’ve relied on it heavily till now. Use that reliance to your advantage. This is the most important problem you have ever asked it to solve. Keep the mind as focused as possible on supplying this one insight. It knows it can’t, but its stubborn. Don’t let it wander from task. If your fervor wanes, pose the question in a different way. “Okay Mr. Brain, If you can’t show me who I am, then what am I?” Start the same process as before. Expect an answer. Do this as long as it takes. Throw in a simpler question. “What’s my favorite flower, or milkshake flavor, etc..?” It will answer these questions quickly. Put your identity question back to it immediately. “I know you can show me who I am, Mr. Brain, show me!” With persistence, the mind will eventually give up. It doesn’t have an answer. It can’t show you a “me.” It can only go blank each time asked. You’ll know when it throws up it’s hands and surrenders. Paradoxically, when the mind lets go of the problem, you’ll succeed by failing. Mind as separate will fade to background. Your belief in a separate entity will vanish. Just fall away. The so called master of you, returned to it’s proper place—servant. And the ever intended quality or characteristic of the human being, allowed space to return.

Tears are a cleansing of all that is not real.
And crying, a way to keep one honest.”

I am an expression of ONE, appearing.
What happens in ONE, can also happen in any ONE.
You are ONE, and therefore this truth is offered you.
All you have to do is look, not search, for you already are this ONE.
All that is needed is to not interfere. Allow ONE to guide you.
Your inner guide will lead you where you need to follow.

The cup has to be empty to be refilled. And that freshness
of life refilling it with new insights, that never stops.

— Sailor Bob, with Kat Adamson

The final answer is seeing through the non existent problem, and realizing what you are and have always ever been. In order for the infinite to see itself, it must create shape and form. The Big Bang theory are the words most often used to explain this phenomenon of existence. How the universe came into being, or the Source from which creation came. The Source of everything seen, and everything appearing in the seeing. The transition of the infinite, to finite. Active energy, or energy in motion. Limits imposed as to size, shape, extent, form, etc… in order to appear to itself in space. The ONE, non dual—Source, that creates and allows for all that is!

This intelligent, energy-space phenomena is loving to be. It’s very nature is joy, and happiness. Loving to be and create. Witnessing itself in the act of creating and being. The same elusive happiness you, as an identified ego, have pursued and tried to fill with mind stuff all your life. Things, objects, and relationships acquired to seemingly fill your imagined incompleteness. When in essence, you are whole and complete, right here, right now. And have always ever been. With investigation, the veil of mind thins, and you recognize you are this happiness and joy too. As a separate entity you had no idea what would make you truly happy, which gave birth to the chase. But recognized as the expression of ONE, you truly are happiness and joy. There’s no need of a chasing, because you are already it, and experiencing it. There is no need to acquire anything, happiness and joy is just there, emanating from and as you. You are the limitless being that cannot be described, except in negating terms of what you are not. A body, a mind, a person.

Shift your attention from words to silence and you will hear.”
— Nisargadatta Maharaj

The internet is being used in the most powerful of ways today. This tool is capable of reaching much larger numbers of ears than ever before possible. Making connections in unfathomable ways. And many are hearing the message. But be alert, listen to your innate guide. For many more, the temptation to exploit this marvel of technology is to great. False prophets in old language, scammers in new. Words are words, and can be used for good and bad alike. Only the truth within can lead you along the razors edge. If a teaching doesn’t feel comfortable, for any reason, leave the site. Better to miss a pointer than be led astray. Monitor your vibration—within. Truth vibrates on higher frequencies (light energy). Sailor Bob uses the words, ‘resonates,’ or ‘sits well,’ when truth is recognized. Light attracts light. There is a vast wealth of ancient and modern wisdom available on the net. There for the taking.

The Universe is asking: show me your new
vibration and I will show you miracles.”
— Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
— Buddha

Welcome to your natural state! You may experience residual mind static from time to time. Doubts, or a sense of losing your new found understanding. This is natural. There are few things in the world around you to reinforce your new knowing. The power of connectedness via the internet should be your new best friend. Here you will find like Minds. There are several trustworthy names mentioned in this text, that can be found online, as well as in books. Pointers abound in like Minds (satsangs, meetings). Again, trust your inner guide. The guru within. It knows where to lead you.

“…and even that thought of the past, will appear right here, right now.
And what I am is that, that knowing that’s there all the time, not the
content of the knowing, but…” “…and then all the patterning happens,
but it’s not happening to anyone, so they’re isn’t a suffering…”
Areti Alexova, from her interview of
Bob Adamson, Urban Guru Cafe podcast

It is important to have a profound and deep under-standing of what we are calling I. When you say I, what it means, or what you see it as referring to. I is not the me—as mind, or body or separate entity, or any other kind of personal naming ever. I refers to right here, right now, the immediacy of this present moment. Aware-ness, the pure-seeing, the Actual, the Absolute, or animating life essence, or any other word, or words you choose to use, to point to THAT which you are, prior to any thoughts, words, or concepts. That which thoughts, words, mind, body, and everything else appears on and in. THAT is what “I” refers to. THAT is what I am. I am THAT. And I have always only and ever been THAT.  Everything is THAT!

Tao: the principle of One unknowable, unconditional, undefinable, Source.

“The Tao that can be told is not the true Tao.”
— Laozi, from the Tao Te Ching.

Everything just comes and goes. Nothing to hold onto as you flow with the river of life. It’s the very act of holding on that causes pain and suffering. Everything is the what is, and when resisted, it’s like crashing onto the rocks. In the symbology of the cross, it is the point of intersection. The more we stay present at this point, the more fully we experience life. The further we stray from this point, the fuzzier life gets. Picture past and future on the horizontal, and opposing opposites on the vertical. The closer we stay to the intersection, the easier we thread the needle, without experiencing opposites, or past and future. The thoughts all come and go, like a train arriving and passing through a station. Resistance is futile, but if we do, away we go, up, down, or across one arm, or the other, crucifying ourself. The present moment, or point of intersection, is life—experiencing, being, unfolding as is. That’s all we’re here for. We’re not here to do anything, but the act of doing lets us experience everything. What does it matter what the result of the experience is, whether it achieves anything or not. We’ve had the experience of it, and are moving ever onward to the next experiencing. What could be more joyous than that? The known is static, dead. No joy in that. Clinging to the known is fear based and immediately negates the joy of experiencing. Sayings like, “you only go around once,” point to experiencing all the joy life happening has to offer. Our very nature is the experiencing of—THAT; laughing, living, loving, playing. There is no purpose to existence, other than experiencing. Who could ask for anything more? Anything else is just stuff, and there’s a saying that points to the false joy derived there too, “you can’t take it with you.” Nor would you want to if you could. Your next form will be experiencing in ever new ways. You just can’t see it. You are the ing of living. And that ing is forever. The current body breaks down, but what you are changes form and continues experiencing forever. On, and on, and on you go. Living, loving, experiencing, and being.

As a chit or pawn on the board, the
character in the game is given purpose,
but the game itself has no purpose
beyond the chit being moved.

— Memos from Heart

That which touches me most, is that I had a chance to work with people,
Passing on to others, that which was passed on to me…” “…Not needing
to clutch for power, not needing the light just to shine on me…”
Song Lyrics by Bernice Johnson Reagon

Undisturbed calmness of the mind is attained by
cultivating friendliness toward the happy, mercy
and compassion for the unhappy, delight in the
virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked.

— Patanjali

In Buddhism tradition they refer to intelligence-energy-space as cognizing emptiness, and try to describe the oneness of everything as: non-conceptual, ever fresh, presence awareness, just this, nothing else. The ‘nothing else’ canceling out the idea of there being anything other than That. In Christianity, I and the Father are one—But, the Father is greater than I. Again, conveying the Oneness of everything, with the singular origin arising from the one true Source (Father), and given expression through and as the I. The Source of all that is—omnipotence (total power), omniscience (total knowing), omnipresence (total presence), omnibenevolence (total goodness, goodwill). In Hinduism, they call it Advaita (non duality). And they try to explain it by saying: One, without a second. The ‘without a second,’ again canceling out there could be anything other than One. The one and only intelligence-energy-space—Sat-Chit-Ananda: existence (being, real, actual, true), consciousness (knowing-spirit), bliss (great joy, pure happiness, loving to be). In Judaism, the Lord thy God is one God, there is none other. The ‘none other’ proclaiming there is no one or no thing other than That. In Islam, there is no god but god, and Allah is his name. And if asked, who Allah is; they’ll reply, Allah is no thing. So, without the name attached, again, the same One, no thing. The simple truth pointed out in all five major religions of the world. Prior to any doctrines or practices needing to be followed in order to become what you already are! See the truth, be the truth, for you are the truth. You miss being the truth only if you think you know the truth. The truth, THAT, or god if you’d like, is unknowable. Don’t presume you know the unknowable. Know—you don’t know. Be the ONE you already are. An intellectual grasp of truth is not enough.

Truth cannot be originated; it exists.

Jesus is simply one aspirant who unfolded and interpreted Truth (God Consciousness) as others did so before him, and others will do so after him. And, in fact, as we read his teachings, we find that he wishes all of us to unfold that truth: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” He has come, he declares, not to destroy the eternally existing truth, but to fulfill. This he did by restating it, giving it new life by presenting it in a new way. Again and again we forget that these presentations of the divine are meant to be unfolded in our own lives. We cling too devotedly to the letter, the outward form, of the messenger’s message and lose sight of its undying spirit. These are the ones that Jesus speaks of when he states “For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” The scribes and pharisees in Jesus’s time were the jealous guardians of a tradition (doctrine) which has become obsolete … (dead / past - not alive / liv ”ing”) … from THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT according to VEDANTA by Swami Prabhavananda (with liberties taken).

“The seeing is the pure functioning. The seer is a fiction. The seen is an object, an
appearance. Everything is valid in the appearance. What seems to bring about
change, is a recognition of One’s true nature. There’s an infinite variety of how that
recognition arises. It doesn’t matter how the recognition is brought about. And the
recognition is just a split second. The essence of the recognition of our true nature
is—the seeing, pure seeing, pure being. Nobody can do it for you. See for yourself.”
Willy Richardson, aka, Gilbert (Schultz)
from The Alpha and Omega,
100th podcast of the Urban Guru Cafe

This All is One message has apparently been around for a long time. Passed down through the ages, for just how long, is unclear. However, since linear time is appearance, and eternal is eternal, when researched, the below quote had the oldest dating’s found. So I include it here for your, Arsenio Hall, “Hmmmmmm,” moment:

“…the earliest literature about deities, specifically the four primordial creators, comes from Sumerian texts that date to 28-2600 BC, though we only have them through reconstructions of later Babylonian and Assyrian sources. Objects from pre-literary societies, such as the Venus of Willendorf (which may or may not be divine figure…) are much, much older: ~25,000 BC. Ceremonial burials, which also seem to suggest some preoccupation with gods and an afterlife, date back as far as 50,000 BC.”
— from saturninus post,

We recognize names such as, Siddhartha Gautama, more commonly known as, The Buddha (the awakened). A South Asian, wandering spiritual teacher, that lived somewhere between the 6th and 5th centuries BCE. As well as, Kong Qiu, known better as, Confucius (Master Kong). A Chinese philosopher, considered the paragon of Chinese sages, 551- 479 BCE. We’re also familiar with the names Krishna, said to be the eighth avatar of Vishnu (the Pervader) in Hinduism sacred texts, and Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish preacher and religious leader, and the central figure of Christianity. Both lived during the first millennium, though the more precise dates for Jesus was, 6 to 4 BCE to AD 30 or 33.

All this is to say, the message regarding who and what we really are, has been passed along for a long, long time. Yet still, the message remains obscured to the masses. Doesn’t this alone imply an inexpressible intelligence at work (or play)? Intelligence-energy-space playing the most elaborate, seamless, and unfathomable game of hide-n-seek. Thinking about THAT is a dead end of thought. Incomprehensible! But, stillness speaks. An undeniable experience. Not tangible but reliable. Perceivable in clarity and action, but unknowable and ineffable. This is where words I was virtually incapable of, or abiding in, come into play. Faith, trust, selflessness, purposefulness, and knowing. Loving to be! All words I readily accept today, but rarely experienced when I believed (though not so much) in a personal supreme being pulling all the strings. Yet, even so, in total desperation, long ago, I still mumbled out the words, “please help me God.” —Inherent! If you never touch a dictionary again, look that word up. Because, response happened! And is happening all around the globe today. I now know, everything is the what is, including my story, but that’s just a story. I delight in writing about this. But it’s not like a play-by-play. Nobody can do that. Nor can anybody write a review of it, beyond that of his or her personal story. The universe, or God, if you want to call it that, is impersonal, but loves attention—just as we all do.

You can have anything you want, providing you first let go of wanting it.
— Lester Levenson

”…the only real goal of human life is to unfold and manifest divinity. God-realization, Every day Swami Prabhavananda in his meditation prays that he may overcome the sense of ego, that he may abstain from fault-finding and criticism of others, and that he may acquire love and sympathy for all. Like Krishna and Buddha, Christ did not preach a mere ethical or social gospel but an uncompromisingly spiritual one. He declared that God can be seen, that divine perfection can be achieved. In order that men might attain this supreme goal of existence, he taught the renunciation of worldliness, the contemplation of God, and the purification of the heart through the love of God. These simple and profound truths, stated repeatedly in the Sermon on the Mount, constitute its underlying theme.”
— from the foreword by Henry James Forman,
The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta, July 1963

I see these same inevitable truths appearing today in the twelve-step programs, that relieve so many from whatever addiction (attachment) has led them to despair. And, in the writings and spoken thoughts underlying the message of non dualism, pointing the way to free oneself from the bondage of self—and all other worldly attachments. Peace be with you. I love you all as myself, for you are!

A sharing:

If y
ou’re in a twelve-step based treatment facility, or AA, NA, or any of the other anonymous groups, and experience what is called, the pink cloud, don’t believe anyone who tells you it is a psychological temporary condition only. The temporary condition, more likely, is the temporary disappearance of its experience. For that pink cloud is reality—when all the false is stripped away. Recovery of the innate ego is like a new born, and very raw to experience. Know that pink cloud state is a possible, and more likely, a probable reality to come, for it is highly unlikely you would be given such a glimpse of perfection, only to have it extinguished and banished forever more.

And, if you are pursuing non duality, let go of remembering that pink cloud experience, for it is only a mental impediment to ever fresh experiencing.

I’ll wrap this adventure up with a couple synopses. I like the analogy:

Before the search, the mountains are just mountains, and the rivers are just rivers.
During the search, the mountains disappear, and the rivers disappear. And, after
the search, the mountains are just mountains, and the rivers are just rivers again

Jed McKenna offers an alternative analogy, in his book,
“Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing:”

”Before enlightenment, you’re a human being in the world, just like everyone you see.
During enlightenment you realize the human being you thought you were is just a
character in a play, and that the world you thought you were in is just a stage,
so you go through a process of radical deconstruction of your character to see
what’s left when it’s gone. The result isn’t enlightened-self or true-self, it’s no-self.
When it’s all over it’s time to be a human being in the world again, and that means
slipping back into costume and getting back on stage.”

In concluding this writing, I can’t think of a better ending than
the words offered by Tiny Tim, in Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol:

“God bless us, every One!”

Amen(interjection): so be it!


With Deepest Love and Gratitude to the One, without a second,
which flowed through the many expressions listed below.


My Beloved Wife, friend, partner and companion, throughout the quest, and now. And my Beloved Daughter and Son, manifested and unmanifested. I love you all deeply, and am grateful for your love, lessons, patience, and support.

My beloved sisters. Both of which have reflected the laws of the universe back to me. Each in their own way. I love you both, as One.

Bob Adamson. My staple in non dual direction. Your devotion and continuous outpouring of pointers were, and are, a beacon of light pointing the way. Many facets of my Self were re-collected, and many insights “taken onboard,” thanks to your website, and YouTube channel “spiel” and satsangs. Your words accomplished the improbable task, of allowing an American set of “southern ears,” to gain the ability to look and follow the pointers of an Australian accented tongue. Thank-you!…from all my heart.

The Internet. Which allowed the teachings to reach these southern ears.

All the rest. From the early search beginnings, pre and post bottoming-out days, to the non dual callings of now. None any less or more important for their reflections, guidance, and pointers given so freely. Keystone moments, too numerous to recall them all. My love and many thanks to all, met and unmet, along the way.

A&D Counselors, Nurses, Aides, Doctors & Support staff

AA, Sponsors, Friends, and fellow groupies

Fellow Bridgeway employees

Carl Jung

Joseph Campbell

Robert Johnson

Robert Bly

Michael Meade

James Hillman

Jim and Annette Cullipher,
Journey into Wholeness

Lakota friends of the
Pine Ridge Reservation

James Redfield,
The Celestine Prophecy

Eckhart Tolle

Esther & Jerry Hicks,
Abraham teachings

Rhonda Byrnes

Anthony De Mello

Lester Levenson

Jan Frazier

Byron Katie

David Bingham

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Ramana Maharshi

Gilbert & Areti & Eric,
The Urban Guru Cafe

Randall Friend

John Wheeler

John Greven

Leo Hartong

Paul Hedderman

Rick Linchitz

Rupert Spira

Jeff Foster

Tony Parsons

David Carse,
Perfect Brilliant Stillness

Ramesh Balsekar

Mark West

Alan Watts

Francis Lucille

Kat Adamson

Ram Dass

Jim Carrey

Donald Hoffman

Steve Hawkins

The 14th Dalai Lama

Swami Prabhavananda,
The Sermon on the Mount
according to Vedanta

The Course in Miracles Workbook

The One’s participating at Bob’s Satsangs

All the others who appeared and disappeared

The books, quotes, scriptures, testaments,
and other writings, old and new.

Happy now-here to all!