This page is dedicated as a memo from Heart, and depicts the Soul’s
journey of whispers heard by the Heart and put down in these words.
Each aphorism represents one day (or so), beginning
March, 2024 and continuing through today, 2025.

ONE—is far from the loneliest number

One’s only goal in life is to unfold and manifest in Absolute likeness

For the background and foreground complete and make union, wholly, One

The face of One appears in all that is seen

How could anyone be inferior or superior to One

We are both the One and the Many

I am the divine expression of ONE, appearing

The pulse of One beats the chest of man
And man or woman, no matter
for both are One, alike

The world is upside down,
Turned right by your hand alone,

There is nothing separate from I, One

Accept what is, And want for nothing more

Life may not be about the journey, or destination
But about depths of understanding, experiences,
wonderings, stillnesses and silence found—
unfolding within the human heart

Acceptance is the key, Forgiveness the function

All things breathe air of the space surround,
Open your heart and take in great gulps

I am the still winds
that blow in the night
And the wind in turn are I
This heart beats as you,
and longs no more,
To see, with only thy eyes
And love with thy heart
that is ever more,
Desire in thine eyes

There is only One, One is all there is
I serve no other master, I hear the false
profit, the unreal, but shall join ner more
For I serve only the One true light
God—thy will be done!

These things I do give
Are not mine to give—for only on loan,
they come from thee alone, And now, returned
Not one thing is mine, but only are yours
Your gifts retuned to thy door
I knock for ‘er more, for ye
And give this heart back, as yours

Not I, Not I, but thou, dear God
There is no personal doer dwells this body
Only the One power—
Thee! —which is all

All action is mine, sayeth the Lord
There is nothing separate from I, sayeth the Lord
Whoever has ears to hear—will hear,
Sayeth Our Lord

Be wary my son,
for ego is quick, and lurks where the shadows are deep
Be nimble of mind, steadfast in faith
And the ego will soon go to sleep
For its days are numbered
And it knows it well, to
be buried in fires from hell
It struggles once more, in vain its attempt
For now you walk with your Lord

We all breathe the air of the father
Sweet mother, we thank thee,
for all you give—
Let our hearts be true,
in love for you

The valleys are deep
And waters run deeper
I enter the waters, alone
in search of thee
And there, are found
For not in want nor lack
But in thy arms evermore

We live our small life within the One true light
I exist solely because you exist, my Lord
I am your light, your reflection, One
I see the earth laid out before me
Amass in pinpoints of light
Woe to the man that sees not his own
light, glowing brightly within—return,
Union, Self illumed, One
Return to the One true light from whence he glows
All else, for naught—for return alone
— The one true goal

Repose and Delight
Quick is thy sword
Cutting through myrrh alone
Sweet thy words, upon my ears
I listen for ever more

For all is One, both night and day

Glory thy morning!
I wake to thee, focus on you alone
This world is you, and yours by night
—Bring forth the light of day
All that’s seen, is seen as you
Guide me in only your way
this guileless path, I walk by you
In this, your glorious day

I love thee, Father
More than moon and sun
love orbit, planets and stars turn
So does the heart beat
For unison, dance abound—
all—One does make

I long for you my lord, my mother
Greatness is yours alone,
And I wish to enter, to gather round,
sip and taste your wine
and hold you up in praise and glory
for you are all things,
far, near, and dear

All things appear in the One
And I am, I am—not other than this One
Split mind is not, for all is One
One is All There Is

We exist in you, but we are not you
But, because we exist, we are you
And all existence comes from you,
as you, yet I is not you but of you.
You are all things, but no thing—you are

Our Father in heaven, the mother and giver of all
I am but a mere expression of your glory
Appearing in your great body, or field, Consciousness
Lead me in your ways of heart, I follow
Lead me in your ways of death, I follow
Lead me in all your ways, I follow
For all ways are yours alone,
I follow

I is All
I is all I is
This I-ness I is
This Is-ness I is
is All There Is
I am I

I am the smallest of small
and the greatest of great
I am, All There Is

I and am are One
Appearing from One,
I am

There is nothing separate from I
Appearing from I, eternal
—as I, appearing

I am this character, I
Appearing in the dream of I,
the One, eternal
One, with the eternal One, is I
I, I am, is One

Beauty is all there is,
stretching forth to eternity
And beyond the walled gates of
paradise—Is a man’s reward

I turn to Truth alone, No words are truth
Truth is Source, communion with One
One with One—I look to you, my Father
I ask for your discerning grace,
Teach and deliver us, my Lord,
Shine your truth alone, and
grant your knowing,
Your peace

One Truth
Thought is translation, interpretation,
I struggle, then Truth—
the sense of being, produced
by the producer of all,

If I speak, ‘tis concept
I offer silence, and heart
to you, as One

Dear mother, father—God
My creator, my sustainer, my friend
master, lover, protector and king of lords
My comfort and refuge alone
I give myself to you this day
To please and use at your every whim
I humble myself at your Being,
and ask you use me as you see fit
Let me be living proof that you exist
And let your light shine through
in all acts performed, if it be thy will alone,

Your waves move the heart, as ripples of strength
passing by swiftly, in front of the day
I wonder your movement, quick in the sea
And cove of your shore, abyss—calm, tranquil
serene—safe harbor from turmoil
—awash in your dream

Bad choices happen? Good choices happen?
Both seemingly happen—ego, maya, duality of thought
There is happening only, neither good nor bad,
beyond mind, Take refuge in silence

You do not recognize the appearance standing before you?
Look hard, for I am you, standing here, now
This moment, eyes seeing—all that is
And all that can be, you are my vision
And I yours, behold my light as no other sees
And return to rest thereafter, I am the light of the world
And the nothingness to which it returns
I am all things that are and all things that are not
Behold the world created by I alone
And enjoy and rejoice in I, I am
Then return, from whence you came
Life, death—Appearing, dissolving
An endless, birthless, changeless cycle
I pass unto you; my children of light

Behold—the light, your birthright; Now!
forgotten in past, not seen in future—veiled, covered
Buried in burden. Look to your light—within
Polish the heart, reveal its shining spark
It is your right, rightly, because—
You Are!—I am!

I am both the One and the Many.
All things manifest are I, your Father

God as Self in all things is seen

All unfolds in your glory, my Lord
In obedient deference to you, from whence it come
flower to bloom, caterpillars to moth; or butterfly
The egg—your marvel, breaks to living shape
Trees grow tall, contrast to sky; Valleys
to mountains, larva to bugs, and rivers to sea—
And us?—your crowning jewel,
—in likeness to Thee

Tranquil waters, calm at sea
Beating hearts, in you and me

Atman in India, Heart in the States
and other’s known ‘round the globe
The name it is called, makes for naught,
Ode hearts of mine can know
Atman in India, Atman in deed
The heart rejoices in thee
And known to all man, conscious or not
My love goes forever with ye

I am you, my Lord, appearing as your expression
Dissolving back to you in sleep, reappearing awake
The cycle of life and death, your cycle
From which the cosmos is born, and returns
All is you, my Lord

Your splendor shines bright,
Where few choose to see—
Thank you, my Lord,
for shining through me

I am One, One I am
One is the father
The father is One
The father and I are

All things seen by the eyes,
reflections of thee, my father
For all that is seen—is thine,
finite manifestation of your endless glory
Appearing in majesty of color, and shape
In beauty you divulge yourself to I
and I, as One, am grateful for all

I am undefinable, undefined am I,
this body but energy, encasing I am—
the shape it takes, the smell, the taste
and volume—One, appearing

Silence is yours, my lord
And I hear it in your depths;
A chip from your block
A spark from your breadth
A whisper in your stillness
Your silence speaks,
alive in me

The true One, is not of this world, but is the world.
Do not fill his ears with words then cry out:
Father, why do you beseech and persecute so?

Is and is not,
animate and inanimate

All that is seen is the unreal,
the unseen Real, lies within
Open the inner eye
See the Real,

Pleasure and pain
This and that,
victory and defeat; appearance
in ONE

The body is not,
the mind as separate, is not
The One, Is

All is One,
and the same

All functions of this body-mind happen,
All originates from you, my Lord
You beat this heart, hear these ears
See these eyes and think this brain
Reason, your gift—not separate
All is you, my Lord

The changeless dweller within, Is
—the Light, immutable, divine;
In a mutable world,

Walk the path my son, my daughter
For I hold your hand
and walk with thee

Always remember,
an aspiring ego is a spiritual fledgling

from One, which is all—
comes the sense of being
prior to the thought, I am
which points back to being
—derived from ONE

I am One, the essence of God
Eternal Spirit,

Read, what sayeth thy Lord,
for the hearts of the angels
will spill forth, and be taken in

Forgive me father, my ignorance
for I have judged from it,
from my limited view
I have fallen short, Once again
—of your ceaseless glory
Help me to remember, my Lord
I do not; and can not, Know!—
your servant’s ways

There is only witnessing,
No I doing the witnessing

Oh my glorious father,
I am One with you
And all your glorious creatures,
No doer, no I, no me

The gentle breeze has caught thy sail
And guides you ever more
Open thy sail, wide of breadth
And want for nothing more
To keep wind in sail is task at hand
Unfurl ‘pon sea, my son
And grasp no more, for not one thing
For thy sail be evermore; The journey done
Walk hand in hand, As I guide you to the shore

To know you; my mother, my father
And to know I, your child of light
Be still; And know—
the One true knowing
Comes from within; And,
I am That; Thou art That;

Shake off thy ignorance
And Open thy heart
Open my heart, O’Lord
whence forgiving spill forth,
for thine heart,
be mine alike
Shake off thy body,
and enter the light eternal
And dwell in union
With the eternal dweller within

You put your essence
In each One
Merged in the One
We are thou,
And thou are we
Your children of light

O’ my dear father,
In all things are you present

I am the lil’ spark of light—to
Your blazing glory, my Lord
Kindle my heart and fashion my
Self in your splendor, your likeness
Let me go forth this day in action
to thee alone; Thy will be done,
the mantra; For all is but spark to flame
In awe of thy fire, your holy Light

My grateful heart, near of burst
Life no more; inside a hearse
The body—holy; a place devout
Your inner light, shines without

For when what I desire
I touch to your heart
And release back to you,

Whether in flash of lightning,
the growl of thunder; or a blink of thine eyes

Father protect me,
for the path is laden with thorns
and I have no sandals but yours.
And yea that I say on to thee
you shall suffer no wound,
for where there are thorns
I will carry thee in my own arms
sayeth the Lord

Thank you father for a bountiful crop
To share with others, touch to my heart
And offer up to you

I am you
And you are I
But you are far greater than I

I wait for you, my Lord
Sometimes patiently—
sometimes longingly—
sometimes hopefully; But
always knowingly: I yearn for thy light
—to banish the seeming darkness of ego
To reunite in your blaze,
like smolder for flame, I wait

The mirror reflects form:
appearance, manifestation, finitism, the is not
The awakened heart reflects Self:
life reality, infinity, endless spirit, the is
The Self within reflects God:
deathless, formless, omnipresent, perfection, the eternal reality
Realization reflects this knowledge:
return, unity, finite and infinite, perfection regained, the light

All things move as the Spirit commands

To touch Your face
Bow at Your feet
And wrap (my)Self in eternal embrace
with thee—my only goal
For all else
is alone your doing

Images placed in your head
If heard, are seen as spirit moves
‘mongst you, promises fulfilled,
in flesh and blood

To see thy face, Where ‘er I go
To prostrate Self at thy feet
In eternal embrace with thee
mine ideal and aim

My aura shines, where no man can see
For it not need—be seen
It exists, as I exist
And it alone is me

To experience Oneness with
To live mixed as One in eternal bliss,
A higher Consciousness; But—
Like a butterfly, drunk on sweet nectar
Or a man inebriated on knowledge
‘Tis folly of the world
To glimpse thy holy robe,
my dream

Spill forth thy light my father
So I may bask in thy glory
And carry your nameless name,

A star of light
Aglow in my breast
A spark, bursting forth
Drawn by your magnetism
Your light, Your gravity, Your perfection
Drawn to the giver, the sustainer,
the Way, the Truth
All is you, my Lord

Strong of heart, rarely seen
Imperceptible, senses keen
Always present, with love and care
For those of light, always there
Eternal dweller, deep within
finite in form, women and men
Boundless formless, from the start
Dwelling deep within our heart
One with That, we all are
To know this Truth,
bright our Star

To: Heart—From: Self
Words are just words, pointers at best
Look to where pointed, look within yourself
Aspire to see the Real, see beyond the senses
See the realm pulsing within you, the kingdom unseen;
unseen by the eye, unheard by the ear, untouched by the hand
The internal eternal, Beyond the imagining of mind
Aspire to enter the only Reality—
Oneness, God-Consciousness
The Oneness you are

To: Self—From: Heart
Everything seen in the world is transience,
materializing and disappearing, coming and going
This body appears concrete in physical; Your vessel
It will one day dissolve from the produced
But Your unseen essence embodied; freed, remains
Returning only to the field of unknown ether;
The cosmos—melding into the eternal, the continual
—from whence body begat, the beginning and end, One
Great Mother Father
All That Is

As entity you believe your folly
As awakened, you know your folly

How may I serve thee my Lord?
I can not presume to know
For ‘tis thou gift, be shown
Help me hear; and follow fast
If be thy will—alone

Dear Father, this world is meaningless, but for you
Thou my sole refuge, the One safe harbor
Yea, you do comfort my heart, O’Lord
May I remain in your care evermore
If this is cowardice, may I be the lion in Oz
flooded by thy testimonial conferred
The disordered world,
made right in your solace;
I am One in thy field,
by grace alone

For not man nor woman be One,
but only the costume;
The I am in both,
the One

One am I with the Maker
The Maker as I are One
I am That One
That Reality,
That Self

The very same Self shines
from the apertures of all eyes,
as it does from the gaps in all things

The world is within, though it seems without
The world unseen, the Kingdom within
Populated by Self alone, In adoration to Source
In Oneness of All, the Self in All,
Source wisdom, Source peace;
Self and Source are One
Self, in all, are One

If you know your Self, from the beginning,
and have reached the end—prior to Self
What can you not know?
Where can you not go?
What can you not do?

Thank you Source for allowing I to see within
To see this Self divine, as you, with you
Cast off the remnants of this world that remain
So I may bask fully in your light, your bliss
Your love alone—as I see the world with thy eye
Yea, this world you give is beautiful, ner; Beautifuler
now seeing it as you, through you, with you
You give so much, my Lord; may I see it fully
—Your dream

lordy, lordy, Joe’s well past forty;
But Spirit, a new born babe

A kitten once took form of a tiger,
and plagued the villagers near by
And they lived in fear and worry
of the tiger’s prowl, never once to
pause and uncover his stripes
to see the tiger tamed,
a kitten

All things are yours, my father
I own not a thing, I humble
this form at your feet
The world you have given,
I hold up to thee, and proclaim yours!
—for it is
There is no doer here, O’Lord
but your servant awaiting command
Forgive my missteps father
Thy will alone be done
These things you do give,
I feel unworthy of, yet you
burst them forth in such abundance
Make me worthy, dear father
In mind, as well as deed
let me not claim one thing that belongs
to thee, to claim as my own
for not one thing I have is not yours
By thy will alone, the doing is done.
—I mourn for ye dear father
Yet, do I mourn rightly for thee,
or for my own lack of ye?
Teach me the difference,

The world is our candle,
reflecting the light of God
How we see the reflection
is our Self’s condition;
Revealed, or Concealed

We all serve the King
For without the King,
the Kingdom would not be
You know my heart, O’Lord

The Self, God’s projector
Space, God’s screen

To lay naked at your feet
My heart stripped bare,
in divine union with thee O’Lord
My quest, eternal

From whence I come, I return;
in joy and delight

Control of the senses, that wander at will
Narrow the focus, Intelligent will
Look within, where heart lies asleep,
withdraw from the world the senses do seek
Look to the Atman, the center of Soul
For there you’ll find peace,
from world’s many woes

Here my call, my father
and guide me through your fog
I search for thee—
Lead me by thy very song

This body thy vessel,
These feet tread where guideth

This world your sandbox
—And I a grain of sand
May the dust devils whirl ‘bout
I veil these eyes and move freely,
guided by thy beam alone

Vibrations of light, vibrations of energy
Patterns formed in essence of such
Look to the light from whence we come
Look to the energy from whence is all

To know oneself,
One Self

The Self is God
And God is all,

One with your Self,
is I

The Self in I
The Self in you,

The Self in I and you,
the Universal Self

The Self in all things
The Self in I and you,

The Self in I and you
The Self of God,

One is Self and God,
and I and you and all

My father, I have not alone the power,
nor the knowledge to guide one ant:
Let alone, help one being—but for thou.
For all things and all doings are thous
Yea, I put mine own shoes on backwards,
if not for thou

Like a sail without wind,
fluttering helplessly ‘round pole
Is the man or woman who
does not know their Self

I knock at heaven’s door
To be opened by an angel
Who invites me inward
And upon entering, lo!
Your light shines in by window
And the angel points
And lo, another door beside
And we walk together
Angel and I, and knock

Dear father,
Content in you am I
There is no happening
that is not yours
You are all

Bliss shoots your cannon,
that’s aimed at my heart

Divine Sight, eyes that see
Not sky or grass nor tree,
But the One true vision
—the vision of Thee

For want of you, my father
I seek nothing else

Divine is Great
Divine, I wait
Poised before,
invisible gate

From your seed,
to your fruit—
Does our Self do grow

Right here, right now, I am
Yesterday, I am not yet
Tomorrow, I am not yet
But right now, I am,
That!—I am.

If you know your self as me, you suffer
If Self is known as One, peace

From seed, to bloom—ONE!

The orb of Sun external,
veils the Light within
But Light uncovered—
shines brighter than a thousand Suns

All is One—
The world is alive as One

All acts are acts of God,
Realized by One Self, Now!
One only

One God, One Self
One God Self

I am the One changeless spirit
The changeless God in Self

The Self beats as God
One in the body

To put into words
What can not be contained,

The living OneI am!

Beginning Middle End
Experience Dream Passes

I lives in You,
I is alive as You,
I am is You.
I is Self—
existing in You,

My father,
You give, and you taketh away
Thy pleasure is mine

Name and form,
of which we’re born
Hallowed be not your fame
Self be true, not the you,
awareness forever more

Let the body float,
wherever the body floats
On the sea of the
cosmic ocean

For naught of you, father
I am not

One with thee,
hear my plea
This I request—
on your bequest
For naught of you,
I’m back at two;
Adrift in unholy mess

I and the father are One
Our father’s essence dwells in the body
Our father and mother are One
We are One with our father
All is One

The One is all
We are all, in One

Life eternal—
The body dissolves
But that which we are lives on
The essence, our Self,
only rejoins the Universal Self
Our Father Eternal

Live life with glee,
eternal we’re free
Free!—to be what
we are

Eternal am I,
the essence of God
The Self within
the body
Dear mother father God
Both the Source and the Flow
The flow within: Self
The flow without: All
The Universal Self,
Dear mother father God

All action is mine,
Sayeth thy

This world you do give,
freely of your own accord
Guide us O’Lord
Lead us set it right
All acts are yours
Guide our hand
Guide it with your might

Life eternal, life within
For lack of Nothing, we begin
All our virtue, all our sin
Washed away, as everything is
From want of money—
to desiring fame—
None exist, when outside tamed
Embark on journey, intelligent will
Experience the world,
from inner build

Oh! That am I, That I am—
That Oneness art we all!
I in you, and you in I
One is all there is

Dear Father Mother Divine
I am One with thee in Heaven
Though, in the world of man I dwell
Allow me be, true to thee,
pleasing to your describe

This world is the illusion, yet here I live
Let me not be deceived by the senses
But see only my true nature, my spirit within
May I view this world as you, my father
And I as but your earthly extension
Grant me eyes that see and ears that hear,
O’Lord—let me turn from the world
Yet live within you within this world
Free from tethers that bind me to it
Free to see your vision from this earthly body
Grant me all this O’Lord, amen

Blessed am I who experience our father
And blessed are thee who the father is near
For I is the father, both near and far
And thee are blessed by I
I am Spirit within, thy Self are I
That alone am I

Make me worthy my father; Worthy of return
—return to my place before the world was
One in your body, One in your field
One with thee, forever once more

Life eternal, life in thee
Life unending, life in thee

There is but one truth—

Make beautiful this world I do give,
For in thy heart are I
Made whole in thee are I
In thee are I, forever
Prakriti are I
Primordial are I
One are I, thee

The One true seed of God in this one,
is in that one, and that one—and all

To love the Self in ourself,
is to love the Self in all

The father in I, I in the father
One are I and the father,
the eternal Spirit within
Made whole in thee are I

I am neither the doer nor the doing
For all things done are your doing
my Lord. And all doing is yours,
The One true doer are thee
Thy doing be done

I am That! The seed of God,
the light of the Universe,
the eternal Self within

Your name—is all names, my lord
May I chant thy name through eternity,
and the end of time—
Hallowed be thy name
The One True name of all

I am the Spirit, the Light, Your Seed within
Encased in a body, cut off from thy glory—
’cept in glimpse and glimmer; longing for return am I
Return to that glory from whence I came
Return to thee—my father, my mother, my glory;
My life everlasting

From whence I come, I long return
Guide me home, O’Lord

And yet I say unto thee,
the way home is open to all
Come home, my children
Come home to me,
your father, your mother
The light of thy world
My Spirit within will guide you

My father, please remove the ish from self
May the true Self be freed

I, as ego, am nothing
I, as no thing, am everything
All exists in I alone, my father
For I alone, Are thee
—and all things

The fetters of Earth,
the shackles of bondage
—Free Self from these O’Lord
So I may fly with thee again
—On the Cosmic Ocean,
the light of thou shore,
intertwined with thee does I soar;
forever again once more

Never either or. Always both and.
Not either this or that. But—
Both this and that

I am is the human being and God
ONE and same—self and Self
You and I—within and without
learn and teach—be and being
Both and, always

The inner and outer, are One
One in Spirit, One in matter
One within, One without, One is All
The father and I are One

Blessed are we all, for we live in you
And woe to the man who shuns you,
for he will not recognize himself

My father, I am one as you,
in this fleshly form I reside
In your eternal ether, I abide

There are many worlds of the father,
How blessed am I to exist in One

I, thy lord, say these things unto you
for the heart to devour; less ye not
walk with I where ever I go, so shall ye
walk with I wherever I go

Blessed am I who merge with thee

I am one with thee always my father
I abide in thee and thee in I,
One are we, as All

Name and form are not,
The eternal Self Is

The Holy Self is not part of the body,
but dwells within each body,
One with the Infinite Light Eternal
The Intelligence Energy
The Life Essence

Not by work, nor progeny nor wealth nor fame,
but by devotion alone to the Infinite Reality
Contemplate, meditate, devour the holy word
Indifferent to the world, struggle and aspire to enter;
the Changeless Reality, the One, the Self within
May the Infinite protect us, guide us, comfort us—
grant us strength and right understanding
May we be merged in the Eternal Knowing,
the Universal Self, the Supreme, the All,
by any name: The Hidden Treasure

I am not my thoughts, yet they arise O’Lord
Let me view them as smoke from your fire
Arising to drift on the currents of air,
and dissolving back to your ether
May the smoke of your fire,
always drift true

This ego serves God,
in all its imperfection—

I appear here by your grace, O’Lord
May I serve only thee; always


Our father, who dwells in I
I am are thee known by intellect
Om are thee known by sound
God; and a thousand others,
are thee known by name
Everywhere are thee, all pervasive are thee
Eternal are thee, intuition are thee
Hidden in light, Sought are thee
May we come home to thee, Union in thee
Comfort in thee, rest eternal
Life, ever after are thee
One—are thee, and I

Where I am, thou are
Where thou are, I am
Our GodSelf within,
the only Reality.

One with thee are I, my father
One, we all are with thee

My Glorious Father,
may I merge with thou light
and shine brightly as thee

In peace, in Thee, am I

I am the father,
I am the light of the world
For I eternal shall live in thee
Thou father, am I
I are thee, and thee are I
Who so ever cometh to I,
shall live in the light
Eternal are thee, in I
Cast off this body,
and live as I, Eternal
For we are One,
we live in I

My Lord and Father,
May I see thine vision always
Within and without
One with thee in bliss
One with thee in heart
One with thee,
thou Self

Right action, wrong action
unknown the difference
Lead me O’Lord
Guide my steps,
by thou will only
May I not interfere,
but hear thine guidance,

My father,
may I be you in all that I do

The ONE True Power,
works through us all
May we recognize That,
in SELF today

Downloads from Source,
in vibrations of light
Caught by the Self,
as vision from night
Cast off the darkness
and see in the sight,
All creatures are I
Alive in my might

All things manifest—are God

I am I
Just This NoThing
Intelligence, Energy, Power;
Emptiness, Space, Ether—
That am I

Thy Spark am I
Thy essence is I
No other I exists

Your essence,
life flowing through
I am that flow


Our Father …
which art in heaven …
Hallowed be thy name.
Have mercy on me
OM … OM … OM

The father lives in us,
alive in the space
The True Self and Center,
beyond time and place
Freed from the body,
the illusion of you
True Spirit rejoices,
in all that we do

May I shed the body
and be what I am

The body is cumbersome, my Lord
Grant me the vision to see through it
To bear its weight, and see your vision
May I reside in you always

The Self are I,
Your spark of life eternal

May I abide in your word.
Seeing each obstacle that
veils your vision, clearly

Fear not the world,
for it is your vision
I leadeth you not to temptation
But let you see evil

It is not for the sake of the world
But for the sake of the Self,
I love

I am that sense of presence—aware,
which these words, these written thoughts,
come forth from and float through in
The thoughts are in this that I am
But the thoughts are not the I am

I am All space and All things
I am within and without
I am up and down, beside you
before you, behind you
in I am All

I am the sound in the night
the light in the day
the breadth in scope
The unknown knower
of All that is

I am thee and thee are I
All is I, I is All there is
If not for I, nothing exists
If not for I, is not

I am the moon and the stars
The unseen and seen alike
I am All this and more
Beyond fathom, Beyond space
for I am space itself

I am the giver of all that is
I am the taker of all that is
I am the no thing of your lips
The vibration of OM
I am All

I come and I go and am always there
Call my name and I’m there
Forget me and I’m there
Love me and I love thee
Hate me and I love thee

Thou can do no wrong for I am thee
Perfect, as is, is I


May I welcome death,
as the birth it is

Watch over your children, my Lord
For we are lost sheep,
in a world of wolves

Torn in two,
I longs your comfort, my Lord

Great is the Self luminous being

ONE being

Within Is without

All is experience of,
the divine Experiencer within

Thou art the light eternal
Alive in body and mind

If you will, my Father, it happens
May I be aware of thy will

Like angels breath,
your words are sweet to I

In Earth school we are,
to find Near and Far
The benevolent face,
in That we give chase
To awaken the eye
which longs been asleep,
To see our True Self,
In valleys and peaks
Our True Self long hidden
in bodily form—
To forefront; uncovered
One be us all

The sacred bridge,
crosses the waters of heart
And leads to the Kingdom within

May I be awash in your light forever
Bathed and cleansed of body, in Mind

Intelligence beyond reason—
Our natural state

Appearing in Your consciousness,
Your maya—I am thee
Not I, Not I, but Thou
Your holy vibration of Light
… AUM …
Thou art Great!
Thou art Self Luminous!
Thou art All!

The end is the beginning
Awake my child
Be I

The underlying reality, One

The mystery of life are thou, my Lord
and I—your expression!

Father, be with them
For all they’ve gained
will save them not—
Empty in their heart
for you

Thank you, my father
For allowing me to see
my aliveness in you
as me

Yea, the body will perish
But what we are remains eternal,
dancing in the vibration of light

Mother Moon, Father Sun
Alive in my heart are thee

You are the miracle of miracles, O’Lord
In flesh you appear, in objects you appear
in dreams you appear, you are all things
and not. You are the world and more
You Are

How can I possibly serve One so great, yet I try
What can I possibly give thee beyond my devotion
I am yours, my Father

May thy Self engulf and
swallow me whole, my Lord
One with thee am I

I am the essence within
the life, the Self am I
Without what I am,
the body is not
The subtle essence is All
and I that essence,
that life giving power
are I within
And that dear reader
art thou

The light of the world lies within
The unseen keeper of the gate
The Self

The Self does it all
By the power of God

The Self is the Truth
The truth within

If a man has two seeds
Let him cast one from his hand,
and nurture the one remaining

I am the dream of God,
the light of the world, am I

May I ascend your sacred ladder of knowledge, O’Lord
And know you better with each rung allowed

Blessed are the seers and saints, my Lord
For they are thy limbs

The world is the delusion
The focus on the doings the unreal
I am that from which the doings arise
The natural I, am I

There is nothing that needs doing

Oh Giver of all there is
May the action of I,
please you this day

Your essence incarnate am I
Thy will be done, my Lord

I am is
All else is not

I am what this
body mind arise from

I am
I exist
Right here
Right now
I am

There is nothing
that is separate from I
No Thing

Keep I am in mind,
sayeth your Lord

The mind is not,
the only reality…
I am

In the beginning, I am
In the end, I am
I am is all there is

Is, appears
Is not, does not appear

The life I am IS
and the IS I am is precious

There is no right or wrong
Only I am

There is nothing I need do,
to be

Give up all
sayeth thy Lord

The world is your dream, my Lord
“I am” your only truth

Poor were our personal teachers,
for they did not see
Great and merciful,
our glorious God


The Self is I am
The Self is God
The Self is incarnate

The only gift I have—
my Self

I came to honor him
pa rum pa pum pum
I was a poor boy too
pa rum pa pum pum
I played my drum for him
pa rum pa pum pum

I play my best for him!
pa rum pa pum pum,
rum pa pum pum, rum pa pum pum

And then, he smiled at me
pa rum pa pum pum
me, and my drum
rum pa pum pum

The Self is God
The Self in Jesus
The Self in I
The Self in all


One smile, one nod from the living father,
sustains the whole world I am

I am your child of light, O’Lord
Your divine reflection on earth
From your Self, you have
brought forth mySelf
For naught of you,
this world and I
are nothing

By your grace, my father
I am

There really is nothing here

Behind that beating heart—
the nothing I am

In form, am I
Whatever that is,
I am

I fell to earth, a man
I arose again, a star

Great art I,
by your hand alone
I am

The One and Only IS,
in all his multiplicity and majesty
Our Lord of the worlds

What good are thy gifts, my Lord
Without the hand that giveth them

Shhh, listen intently for the voice of your father
From deep within, arising from nothing
It comes

Acceptance of What is
Without desire to change
is all

The mirror to gleam,
the task at hand
All mars removed
accord maker’s plan

I simply am

One Self
One essence
Is All - I am

All there Is is This
This I-ness I am
This This-ness I am

I don’t know but I do

Unseen, but Is,
the essence I am

How can we withhold our love
and attention from that which created us?
Giving us existence itself

I only thought I was born.
The I am that I am was
never born. I am nothing
perceived by the senses.
I am nothing the body
is telling me! I am not
any thing—no thing,
yet the body appears

Nothing is Real, I Am
We all are One, I am
Tell them my name,
I am

There is no time,
the space is in I,
being I am

What you have within is love
No image that is known is love
love is not an image
love is unknown

Time is eternal
There is no time
no light, no love, no me

Without love and light there is lonely
Give your Creator both! Love the Lord,
Your God! - with all your heart, all your
Soul, all your mind, and all your
strength and devotion

In this endeavor, do not falter!

Draw the senses in, in to my Self, my Soul, my Father
So I may adore and cherish the One—
The One that I am

I can not not be
I know I am

beyond birth and death,
time and space,
heat and cold,
dark and light,
pleasure and pain—
and all other opposites there are,
I am

You are the light in the darkness I am

God sees hisSelf, in the
reflected light I am--we are

God does everything
through us—
His creation
His dream
His everything,
from nothing

Ripened by hand to plow,
the sewer does reap reward

Pray for nothing (no thing)
For nothing is you

This IS is all I is

Without IS, there is not

Without IS, I am is not


I serves only God
The I am I am
I am is I, the Self

Our Father loves,
so too shall I love
Breathless, beyond time,
I am

May I remember, That
which I am, always

Does exist: beyond words,
beyond thought, beyond things,
I Am

Everything is and is
not, the paradigm of Life

The kingdom of God is
but one place alone—All
Within and without are one
No thing am I, I am

Thou art all, I am

The Truth is undeniable, I am

You are, and I am
It’s that simple

I am this nothing,
producing and powering all
I am nothing, doing nothing, being nothing,
yet appearing to be

What I am is love.
May I wear it
on the outside
daily, my Lord

Entwined are God
and Self, One

May I be at rest
in all that you give, my Lord
—the good and the bad alike

All angels above, adore
That which we are

Without body, I am
With body, I am

There’s no doer here,
I only thought there was
(mind, transience)

There is no actor here but you, my Lord
Opposites arise, both like and dislike
May I accept each with equal calm

God is all there IS
And I am THAT

There is nothing I can do
But there is nothing to be done
All is just happening
I am

May I know God’s name,
I am … IS I

I am who I am
In this world,
and the next


Can you hear the sweet utterance
that eludes man’s lips?

My Father, I am like a wildflower
growing on the prairie, reaching for
the sun and stars, beyond my grasp

I am the knower of the dream characters
The knower of all that comes and goes
Everything comes and goes,
but the knower
I am


There is nobody here,
but appears to be
I create all this,
within and without

Whether I appear or not, I am
Thoughts arise in the silence I am

The words arise from you, my Father
There is nobody here to claim them

We each posses a magic wand
To find it … the miracle of Life
Our tales tell the Truth in story

O’ Lord, May I learn and absorb
life’s vital force … Prana
The mystery and wonder
of the air that we breathe

Look to the Father, the Light
for He is All … Blessed be the
Father, for He is the Light

I am … Knowing … itSelf
All else is false, unreal, not true
I am is All, nothing else
Neither within nor without,
is real, no image, no mind,
no body—just THIS

I am not the body, the mind, or
the world; I am simply all these things

Name is only a thought arising,
in the vast formlessness I am

I apparently do all these things,
But in Reality nobody is doing them
It appears to be but is not

Nothing that is happening is Real
It all only appears to be
I am That, experiencing

I am all there is,
appearing in form
The thoughts come and go
But what I am remains,

Name is only a thought arising
in the eternal formlessness I am

The universe unfolds as it IS
May I line up with its laws, as IS

I am that which IS,
before the world was

I cling to the image out of fear
my Lord. For it is the known, the body.
Give me the strength to let go!
I can’t be this body, I’m not!

The world is the illusion,
I am is the Real. That,
appearing, in and as all.

I am the thought arising from the emptiness
within that there is a person here. In reality
I am the no thing this thought arises from.
The person does not exist, yet I am here. An
entire functioning organism with no apparent
driver. No center point me. Empty but for Spirit,
Soul, no thing. Life functioning, and God at the helm.

Intertwined are we, Father and Son are one
Where the Son is, so is the Father, and where
the Father is, so is the Son—inseparable

There is nobody here that does anything.
The mind only claims it so. I am the knowing
that arises and allows for the mind to exist

I don’t know how the universe works
It just happens or IS

Help me Father, to remember my nature eternal,
to take away the world so I may return to
the glory I once was, and ever are

I release this vague unknowing—
back to you, Our Lord
Back to the ether,
from which it arose
One in Thee are we

You can not imagine (mind) what you are
What you are has no image to imagine
The mind imagines (pictures) a body
The mind can not picture spirit
You are Spirit (pre thought)
Quit thinking, and
there you are

Where unknown abounds,
Salvation exists
What the Father gives
Is so much more

What does the world matter,
within greatness so vast?

All action is yours, my Father
And I offer all action back to you
To utilize or not, as you see fit
My life is yours, and I offer it back
Though you have given it so freely

There is nothing I am not,
I am No Thing

Many times, in separate meditations, the
words “Oh my Father,” form in my mind
But no other words take form, replaced by
a palpable longing or love or desire are they
There is nobody here doing anything, my Lord
Only your divine evolution unfolding

I am nothing
Light out of darkness,
There is nobody
here to know this,
but knowing happens

Only the body dies when
the Life Force I am withdraws

I am the Light and the Word
Holy as IS

I am this very same energy, power
that shapes the moon and the stars
And yeah, the entire universe

Look to the Light within
The vibratory Sound of the cosmos
We are all your creatures, my Lord
Your creations of Light and Sound
From darkness comes Light

May I pave the Way
for Your greater good, O’Lord

Blessed are those who tend the cows

I am matter from ether,
appearing on this dream earth
of Gods’

Why worry for one instant?
Your Lord provides all

I am appearing to be
But there’s nobody here

Keys to the Kingdom are laid at your feet,
Merely pick them up and enter the gate

I am the divine expression of God
The Self in the body,
Right here, Right now

I am the divine mask—God
Hiding behind the facade of
body and mind

I release this thought of an individual
back to the cosmos, the ether from which it comes
Accept my offering, my Lord, for all things are Yours
You are the beginning, the middle, the end
You are All and none, Everything and Nothing
You are I, and I, is what I am

Your song of the universe,
the vibration of light, is
sweet upon the ears, my Lord
May I rest in this knowing,
I am