Rejoice in thy neighbor’s happiness
For their happiness, be yours

Comfort thy neighbor,
for their comfort is yours

Delight in thy neighbor’s virtue
For this virtue, be you

Be indifferent to thy neighbor’s wickedness
So this wickedness be indifferent to you


It is the absence of seeking that you are in search of. How can you find yourSelf? Your Self is your birthright. If you seek that which is already yours, you’ll miss seeing it. For you are it. By no merit on your part, by no effort whatsoever, you are here, you exist, you are! Be still and accept this simple truth. There is nothing to seek. It is only your thoughts that keep you seeking. Quiet the mind and what is yours naturally will emerge. The word “Self” is not separate from you, it is you. You don’t have to seek what you already are. Look at the words you use everyday, “myself,” “yourself,” “himself,” “herself,” “ourself,” “itself.” These very words exclaim the Truth daily. The mind dismisses this reality as being too simple to be the answer you seek. You already are Self. The one and only “Self” planted in each being upon his or her arrival on this planet, as well as the “itSelf” Self of every inanimate object. There is only one Self. And it is in each of us and every object. Stop your mind from seeking, and there Self is. You already are what your mind tells you you’re seeking.


To know the Self within, our goal. To recognize the Self as One. The Self as Source within. All action originates from Source. There is no separate, personal doer of any action. Only the Self within. The body but the vessel of Source alone. The senses of man were made to flow outward. Oh glory to the One who turns the senses inward and sees. How narrow the gate to our Maker. He who desires Truth, he who desires Reality alone, is great, for they see the narrow gate and the Way beyond. For the masses follow only the outward flow of the senses. Easy is that path to walk. Wide is that gate. But the few, turning inward the senses, will be revealed unto them the glories of heaven. For the Is is within, and the is not without. The Self dwelleth within. The Self and Source are One; from which all action comes. To recognize this Truth in oneself is great. But to recognize this Truth, flowing from other bodies than yours, even greater. For if seen that their actions arise from Source alone, how can you hate them? How can you not see Self in all? Yet they do unto you great harm, they are no more responsible for their actions than you. Blessed is the One who sees, and lives this Truth. For the riches of heaven will pour forth on this One, and no harm can be done.


The Truth, The Eternal, the ALL THERE IS—ONE

In Buddhism, they try to describe the indescribable as: Non conceptual, Ever Fresh, Presence Awareness, Just This, Nothing Else. Non conceptual: in other words, not thinking; not mind; when thought is paused or stopped; the mind  quiet. Ever Fresh: this is easily missed; not the conceptual image mind paints us as; not memory mind; not all the ideas and beliefs mind took on board while we grew up, and remembers and claims as being us now; not mind’s imagines of who and what we are, and mind’s relating every instance, every event, every encounter we have or think, to this static image—deciding if it fits it’s image of “me,” or not, and therefore if we like it, or not: all this taking place in thought; every thought, every time, in every situation; by mind!, as separate—in lieu of our innate True Nature: spontaneity in the moment (ever fresh), natural flow and response; the ing of life we truly are, experiencing, enjoying, living, being: the natural functioning of the human organism, when not comparing it to a dead image of mind’s creation (a graven image). Presence Awareness: what we truly are; by any other naming the same: God, That, Spirit, the Universe, the Absolute, Consciousness, Intelligence-Energy-Space, One, the Self; but a few of the other labels we put on that unknown power that IS—but can not be seen, defined, or described. Just this, nothing else: to add certainty and finality to the Truth; the One and only Truth; there is not anything else but that One unknown power, that One unknown knower, that One unknown presence or spirit or essence that pervades everything; absolutely everything, all that is seen and unseen, all that was, all that is, and all that will ever be—THAT!—That supreme mystery that IS the ONE Totality. THAT IS ONE, THAT IS ALL. THAT IS GOD!—by any naming … AND, THAT IS US! … I AM THAT! I AM THAT I AM!


I Am THATWords are just Words

In Hinduism, the exegesis of “Advaita,” which translates to English as; “non duality,” “non secondness,” or “not two,” and is where the popular non dualist phrase; “there can be no duality—in non duality” was derived, is India’s oldest religion. The doctrines of Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism all have their roots in Hinduism, constituting the four major religions of India. The “Truth,” as described in the Vedas (India’s oldest spiritual texts), is ONE, but spoken of in various ways by the wise in each school of thought (the wise ones following the  pointings of the Vedas within a framework of each specific denomination of religious doctrine). And also the wise ones, following the Vedas pointers, who aren’t (or only loosely so) affiliated with any religious organization. Where I’m going with this is, and it is only my concept of, is organized religion in India is not all that different than organized religion in America. That said, it is easy for our western minds to be confused by what seems to be differences, dependent on which “Indian teacher” one is listening to. Can you imagine an Indian’s confusion, observing and listening to a “fire and brimstone” Baptist preacher, followed by witnessing the rites, rituals, and sermon of a Lutheran pastor? Once again, just a cautioning to wear words loosely. Especially when crossing over lines drawn in specific doctrines (thoughts). We’re limited by words, but they’re all we have to try and point to the ONE Reality, the Truth of our being (and all four Indian religions above, point to this same truth at their cores, just how they see it varies). I subscribe to no particular doctrine, but look for this undeniable Truth that’s being pointed towards in any religious or spiritual teaching, to discern for Self, if it’s worth listening to, or reading about (including my native Christian doctrine, which at it’s base, without all the added hubbub, points to this One same Truth, the message Jesus carried and tried to convey): Realize Self; Realize The One Maker and Sustainer of all; Realize that unfathomable Maker and Sustainer of all and the Self within are two aspects of the same ONE. Jesus’s words still say it best (for me): “I and the Father are one,” and: “The Father is greater than I” (little spark essence/Fundamental Spark). In the Vedas, the Indians use the terms Brahman and Atman. The Atman within each being, and Brahman the eternal and infinite unknown. In earlier writings, I’ve used the words, “little spark,” and “heart” in place of Atman (Self in place of Atman another naming) and numerous words in place of Brahman. There are several words written by many, trying to link this Oneness with our Maker. The two aspects of the same ONE: “God is Light,” “you are all children of light,” “you are light in the Lord,” “you are all sons of the Light,” “the Father, the son, and the Holy Ghost,” but a few of the attempts in Christian scripture. Non dualist use concepts such as, “we’re all an expression of That,” or “we’re all appearances in That.” Point being, all words fall short of describing or defining the transcendence of realizing … THAT! And even shorter still, trying to convey the concept of realizing THAT includes realizing … I Am THAT! Before the Self, before the body and senses, before mind, before the word, before the world, there was no discrimination. Only the One “potential energy,” or “energy at rest.” The unmanifested Source. Then, in what is labeled “The Big Bang,” potential energy activated, became “active energy,” or “energy in motion.” The Source (infinite energy, power) manifested. The Infinite producing finiteness. And with finiteness, came every object in space and time. Shapes appearing in energized (active) empty space. This active energy, continuing in time, creating in space, all the way to now; new objects and things continuously (appearances). Pointing a finger at an object could only get us so far. All things, every object, was THAT pointing at the shape or form indicated. Another human being was THAT form the finger was pointing at. With evolution (humans evolving), came the word. And we were off to the races naming the objects and things. That’s a rock, that’s a bird, that’s a flower, that’s a fish and food, and on and on to modern times, that’s a computer, that’s a smart phone, that’s sushi and dinner—and so on. And today, when a new object appears, discovered or invented, etc.., it is immediately named. Otherwise, it would be “THAT.” If not for the word, everything would still be “THAT,” including you—that object named “person” by ourselves eons ago. If I pointed to a human being and asked you: “what is that?” Putting the ludicrously of the question aside, or if you were teaching a child, you’d answer: “that’s a person,” or “we call that a person.” The word only being an identifier, just like the finger pointing at a form before the word was, before vocalizing identification existed. The point being, at the moment potential energy activated, and created all the shapes and forms in empty space (patterns of energy), all things and objects seen by the eyes, the phenomenal manifestation, there was no discrimination. All was (and still is) THAT ONE APPEARANCE of everything in the background of energy/space. Only the human organism object, and more succinctly, only the human mind, was given the capacity to think and reason, and therefore discriminate and put a name on things; patterns, shapes, forms, objects (appearances). So, at creations earliest or deepest level, and is still the Truth today, Reality is: every object, every thing, animate or inanimate, is That One Source energy appearing. That activated energy shaping and forming patterns and causing everything—rock, moon, human, etc.., to appear in the clear background of space. And, can there be any doubt that the infinite energy, that creates and sustains all that appears, all we see and don’t see, isn’t suffused with vast, unimaginable intelligence? Far beyond the scope of a human mind’s comprehension? Well, we just arrived at—everything is THAT!…appearing!

I am THAT! You are THAT! All is THAT!





From the Bhagavad-Gita
The Song of God
Sri (Lord) Krishna is speaking:

Rage and lust; the ravenous, the deadly:
Recognize these: they are your enemies.

Smoke hides fire,
Dust hides a mirror,
The womb hides the embryo:
By lust the Atman is hidden.
Lust hides the Atman in its hungry flames,
The wise man’s faithful foe.

Intellect, senses and mind
Are fuel to its fire:
Thus it deludes
The dweller in the body,
Bewildering his judgment.

Therefore you must first control your senses, then kill this evil thing which obstructs discriminative knowledge and realization of the Atman.
The senses are said to be higher than the sense-objects. The mind is higher than the senses. The intelligent will is higher than the mind. What is higher than the intelligent will? The Atman Itself.
You must know Him who is above the intelligent will. Get control of the mind through spiritual discrimination. Then destroy your elusive enemy, who wears the form of lust.

From Wikipedia

Lust is an intense desire for something. Lust can take any form such as the lust for sexuality, money, or power. It can take such mundane forms as the lust for food as distinct from the need for food or lust for redolence, when one is lusting for a particular smell that brings back memories. It is similar to but distinguished from passion in that passion propels individuals to achieve benevolent goals whilst lust does not.


For one who has conquered his mind, a mind is best of friends,
but for one who has failed to do so, a mind is the greatest enemy.
—Sri Krishna

The above teaching (from the Bhagavad-Gita) is 100% true. I’m living proof! I know both minds. The dead one of past, and my best friend mind today. This is my experience; direct experience. Of course, you can only believe me, or not. I can’t prove it to your satisfaction, nor am I inclined to try. It’s experienceable only. Fortunately, this experience is available to anyone. All it takes is breaking free of conditioning. A mind, conditioned by all the input it received from an external based viewpoint only!—from around age two or so, right on up to how ever old you are now. Only you can provide the willingness to take a look at the conditioning, what you believe to be true.

believe (verb): to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability
of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

Direct investigation. Directed interrogation of your mind by your mind. Make it prove, to your satisfaction, the thoughts it feeds you, are you. That it’s the one and only, end-all, game over, that you are. Here’s a little exercise that may prove eye opening: Catch your train of thought. When your mind has locked you in in a continual stream of, say worrying about something for example; ask yourself “Am I aware.” Your thought train (mind) will pause. Might only be for a second or two, before your mind shakes it off and attaches you back to the worry. But remember, as soon as you catch yourself back on the worry train, ask again, “Am I aware?” You’ll pop back into the present again. That’s the power of your awareness, your beingness! With continued practice, you’ll be amazed. Stick to it and you’ll be waving goodbye as that train of worry just passes through your station. And one day, the train just stops coming. See for yourself. Nobody can do it for you.


It has already been pointed out that most of us do
not really want God. If we analyze ourselves, we shall
find that our interest in God is not nearly as strong as
our interest in all kinds of worldly objects. But even a
slight desire to know the divine Reality is a beginning
that can lead us higher. We must start with self-effort.
We must struggle to develop love for the Lord by prac-
ticing recollectedness of him, by prayer, worship, and
meditation. As we practice these spiritual disciplines,
our slight desire to realize him will become intensified
until it is a raging hunger and a burning thirst.
To those who asked him how to realize God, Sri
Ramakrishna would say: “Cry to him with a yearning
heart, and then you will see him. After the rosy light of
dawn out comes the sun; likewise, longing is followed
by the vision of God. He will reveal himself to you if
you love him with the combined force of these three
attachments: the attachment of a miser to his wealth,
that of a mother to her new-born child, and that of a
chaste wife to her husband. Intense longing is the surest
way to God-vision.

There is a story of a disciple who asked his teacher,
“Sir, how can I realize God?”
“Come along,” said the teacher, “I will show you.”
He took the disciple to a lake, and both stepped in.
Suddenly the teacher reached over and pressed the
disciple’s head under water. A few moments later he
released him and asked: “Well, how did you feel?”
“Oh, I was dying for a breath of air!” gasped the disciple.
Then the teacher said: “When you feel that intensely
for God, you won’t have to wait long for his vision.”
—Swami Prabhavananda,
from The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta


I am the still background of existence, Intelligence Energy Space, Emptiness, the Life or Life Essence itself. Life having a leading edge experience, physical reality NOW. There is no next. There is nothing to seek. Nothing to do, nothing to be. All is done as I through this body mind organism. No personal doer ever. Only the unaffected silent witnessing. Not moved to happiness or sadness based on the seeing. All is as is, as it is. Thy will be done. Non-personal nothing-ness, no body, no mind …. NoThing …. Simply Being what I AM. The Is-ness I is, the I-ness I IS, right here, right now, I AM THAT I AM, unborn, undying, and out-side time, I am the clear field, background, or emptiness in which birth, existence, and death appear. The Absolute, the Totality. The ONE, with no second. Pure Awareness. The door to the eternal unborn I am is wide open. I as separate let go and the tension of holding on dissolves. I am I, non conceptual, ever fresh, Presence Awareness, the “feeling realization” of  the infinite, eternal — ONE — Thy will be done.


The search for divinity—is divine.
To recognize our divinity—Supreme!
Open the mind to truth. Investigate your beliefs.


Death. Do you fear it? Do you welcome it? Are you indifferent to it? What is death? Death, to the Self-realized being, is a letting go of all that is not him/her. The body, the mind, are not what you are. Without Self realization, death tends to be feared. This fear of death manifests in numerous lesser fears throughout life. Fear of failure, fear of success. Fear of not getting what you want, or fear of losing what you have. Fear of relationship, fear of no relationship. And so on. Take note, all psychological fears vacillate between the interrelated opposites (duality). All fears stem from the ultimate fear; death. The fear of not existing. This is at the core of every so-called person. If we believe we are this mind/body, then death appears to be the end game for us. And this identification with mind/body is what we learned; what was taught us via society, culture, and the external world, as we grew-up, and likely still today. It is not a knowing, only a belief. Mind, also known as thought, mirrors this perception, and claims it to be true. Mind’s sole purpose, in the unconscious being (unrealized Self), is to continue to exist. Death, in thought (mind), is the demise of existence. No mind, no body; no ‘me,’ right? Those thoughts equal: FEAR OF DEATH. This is one reason why it’s so important to question your mind. “Okay Mister/Miss mind, do you really exist as an entity?” “Show me; ‘me,’ if you are me like you claim to be.” To live as intended, free from all psychological fear, one must face the death of their persona. A Self realized being has faced death, and realized it’s falsehood. For Self is life (or life essence, or spirit, or soul, or Atman, etc…) eternal. What you really are can not, and does not end. Only changes form. Life essence in motion, active energy. Intelligence-Energy-Space unmanifested, or a pattern shaped of Intelligence-Energy appearing as form in unmanifested Space. When this is recognized (re-cognized), fear of death falls away. This is the truth Eckhart Tolle points to in his book, The Power of Now: “The secret of life is to ‘die before you die’ — and find that there is no death.” He’s referring to the dying of mind/body identification as ‘me,’ prior to the actual dissolution of the mind/body. Or, in other words, seeing for yourself you are not the mind/body, while the human organism (mind/body) is still functioning.


Mystics and scientists agree at their bases. Only the words differ. The body, the mind, the world, the universe, and ether—all broken down, only appear to be solid. That our very existence relies on, and is energy. Active energy. Energy in motion. Science uses words like matter, atoms, particles, fields, and waves. Mysticism uses words like matter, atoms, essence, appearance, and unknowable. Where science and mysticism diverge, is science can not prove, to their satisfaction, man/woman’s union with this makeup of the cosmos possible. The mystic declares union with essence as fact. God-consciousness, man’s/woman’s only purpose and goal, his/her highest attainable nature. Since this union is subjective, unique in every being, it’s doubtful science will ever be able to universally prove it.


The word “God,” is just a word. A 2,024+ linear years old word, pointing to the ineffable. No different than any other word we use today to point to that ineffable mystery of our origin and existence. To everything’s origin and existence. The seen and unseen. Both experiencable. The Self within you(God), and everything else without and within(God). To realize (make real) the Self within you is God—is what this website is all about, and is what is referred to as “God-Consciousness.” To experience, beyond a shadow of doubt, the seemingly two, God and Self, are one (One). Thoughts, by a mind that claims it is in charge of the body (a separate entity)—this “me” character mind labels you, equals the cause of doubt you want to get beyond the shadow of, in the preceding sentence above. Words will always, always fall short, and words are all mind knows, hence “pointers.” The (re)union of Self and God, is pre-word,  pre-thought. When the cause of doubt is removed, the effect (separateness) falls away. Realization of who (or what) you are dawns on you. REALITY—ONE!—one Self! one God!



Ineffable: (adjective) too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words; inexpressible; incapable of being expressed in words; unspeakable.


The 41st saying in the Gospel of Thomas presents a vital spiritual principle: “Whoever has something in his hand will receive more, and whoever has nothing will be deprived of even the little he has.” The material world without, and spiritual essence within, are One (the whole). Absent in the lives of those who see only the without, the world of their senses alone, and ignore the world within them, they suffer the delusion of vacillating between the interrelated opposites of dualism. Identifying themselves with the ever changing cycle of pleasure and pain. Separation from wholeness is the illusion. Separation from Self as One with all creation. The constant, the unchanging Real. Nothing is separate. To see our fellow beings suffer from their ignorance sorrows our heart. But there is nothing we can do if they do not have; “ears that hear,” and look within. To be aware, to aspire for union by questioning their beliefs alone, places “the something in his hand,” that can grow; “for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7)


Sailor Bob Adamson, near the beginning of most every talk he gives, states: “I can’t teach you anything, and I can’t tell you anything. All I can do is point toward, and ask you to look toward what we are pointing to, and see for yourself.” Wise is he. For no man can teach the will of God. No man knows the will of God for another. Each being must discern Truth for his or her own Self. What is salvation for one being, may be damning for the next. Only the One true Self in each being, may dictate God’s will for that being. Silence seem be the best course of action. To listen within. For only therefrom, will come true guidance. The Self within each “I am” speaks quietly. We must learn to silence the mind, so we may hear true guidance.


The changeless, the Self Supreme. Look within. To the dweller of the heart within. The One true Reality. The immortal, the glory, the divine Self—which you are. One! Limitless, beyond this and that, eternal. The knower of all. Deep within the heart it dwells. The Self illumed. The Self Supreme. Know thy Self like a best friend, a lover, a kindred spirit, a gentle soul. For this relation, eternal, unchanging, comfort and solace. Rest from a weary world view. Know thy Self. Thy joy. Thy love evermore. Rejoice in Self alone. Meditate, contemplate—know thy Self—the Absolute!


You are not the person you think you are.
You are not the person really, at all.
The real ‘I am’ you are; Self—being.
Don’t think you are, just be.


Always aspire. Aspire inward for (re)union. Union for that from which we came, and are. Be not fooled by the body, the world, and the things in the world. For they are all the illusion. The unreal. They only limit our view of what we are. Divine, eternal Spirit. Conscious of our long for return to that state which we were, prior to the world’s appearance.


To go beyond the mind. Before mind, prior to mind and body is what we strive. Powered by the Intelligent Will, the aspiring Mind ponders its new reality; Servitude. Servitude to evolution. Looking towards transcendence. From illusion, to Real. Like Pinocheo striving to be a real boy, the Mind, in servitude to Intelligent Will, aspires to be Real. No more a hindrance, but an aide to Self. Self’s eternal mission, to reunite with the Infinite. Union once more, everlasting. The eternal changeless One.


The higher Self is all. In union with the Intelligent Will the intellect realizes new heights. The Mind aspires to realize its maker. Thought is directed towards this goal. Does conflict arise? Surely. But the Mind’s tendency now is to redirect towards the lofty. The higher goal. The Real. Focus returns to the desired goal; union. To make whole once again. In this way, Mind has befriended Self. Helping the Self within towards union, completion, regaining Oneness with the Infinite Self—the eternal mission. Self’s one true desire. No longer suppressed by the little mind of ignorance (ego), Intelligent Will points the way and Mind follows. Intellect is redirected also. Not as the “know all” it had assumed to be, but as the follower of true knowledge. Knowledge flowing in from the One true Knower; God. The Knower of all there is. Ever present. This evolvement of the human being is pointed towards in the 48th saying from the gospel of Thomas: Jesus said, “If two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, ‘Move Away,’ and it will move away.


Who can know the will of God? God is not achievable. It is not through any effort on our part that God reveals himself to us. It is only by his grace he is seen. Ramesh Balsekar, in his teachings, repeats over and over; “If it is the will of God, and the destiny of the body/mind organism.” We often miss hearing the teachings that are beyond our control. We do not have the power to realize God. It is by his grace alone, he is realized. The best we can do is keep ourself prepared. Realize our divinity, and hope for grace. This double bind, reminds me of the scene in the movie, Bruce Almighty; When Bruce, the man, was simultaneously Bruce Almighty, and was trying to ‘will’ Jennifer Aniston, roled as Grace, to love him, as Bruce the man.


Non conceptual, ever fresh, presence awareness, just this, nothing else. Life is now. We appear now. Active energy, intelligence energy, in motion, now. Flowing through and functioning the body/mind conduit, now. Self to Self, One. One appearance, now. We only recognize what we are, Self, now! Objects and time appearing in primal emptiness—All. Omnipresence—presence everywhere; us and everything, the One manifestation, the One primal energy—Source; manifesting as you, I and everything—now! We are That! That energy, that primal substance prior to the appearance of all appearance, that animating life essence or energy. There is no next, except in thought. Be what you are—now!


Living in ignorance (ignoring inner Truth’s call). Ignoring the Self’s pleas for recognition. Ignoring the inner urging to grow toward the Light. Everything is divine. We are all nature. The human being of nature is no different than the plants and other animals of nature. Everything on this planet is nature (natural). Everything has it’s beginning from seed. In the plant world, literally from seed. In the animal world, from the internal unseen seed of life. What is the ovum but the internal unseen seed of life? What is semen but the fertilization of life?  What is the womb or the egg, but the internal garden/soil of life? If we observe plant life it is obvious because it is seen. All life naturally (nature) begins as seed. In plant life, the seed germinates in the external world (the seen soil), and pushes its way upward to grow towards the light. In animal life, the seed germinates in the internal world (egg/womb-the unseen soil) and pushes it’s way outward via the birth canal or eggshell. Both the plant and the animal require the Sun for life to continue towards maturity. Whatever that naturally occurring maturity looks like. One seed, to Rose. One seed, to Oak. One seed, to Catfish. One seed to Warthog. One seed, to Bluejay. One seed, to Human. All life comes with unique capacities/attributes. The human is not separate from the natural (nature) order of the universe. Yet the illusion of ego blinds us from our intended growth/maturing, and claims separateness from the natural order. Man/Woman was made in the image of God—Light/Energy/Intelligence! As the seed of life matures in All things, becomes what it is meant to be, Rose, Catfish, Warthog—Man/Woman’s bloom of maturity is recognition that we are that Light/Energy/Intelligence … God! — from the seed of God, to the maturity of God Consciousness. Be what you are! Our true and natural nature! Our bloom!


All fears originate in mind. Imagination only. What ifs. If you consciously pause the random thought streams you see they are only imagine. Nothing is really happening. Nothing really exists, except existence itself. Your natural state, beingness. In Reality, not only do these subjective thought streams cease, but you’ll notice there is no time, no perception of the world. You recognize the illusory nature of mind stuff. Nothing is wrong. Only existence is present. You are being what you are prior to mind, prior to thoughts, prior to concepts. You realize there is nothing really here at all but what you are, existence. Without thought, you still exist. You realize name and form is thought alone. Arising only in mind. Mind produces the entity and story which covers actual existence. Existence is empty but still is. Nothingness, no-things, no objects. Awareness only. The I am prior to any attachment or image. Unnameable, unsayable, but is—exists. There’s a draw to objectify it. Call it god or spirit. Make it an object. But knowing of the falseness of this is there. Recognition of life is there. Your dream, your will. Life flowing in the beat of the heart. The heart is palpable in chest and temples area, yet the form is not there. Shadow appearance, and gone. Fades, in and out—shape, dissolve. Thought tries labeling, but nothing fits, then vanishes—in and out this way, faintly. Silence. Consciousness. Gratitude for recognition as the imagine world returns, and the thought arises, “thank you father.”


I sit and gaze, marvel at your beauty; your majesty.
Lake, tree; wind and wet
Mixed in, man’s things, adornments of you
Your creation, your dream, your splendor
Lucky am I to witness so,
to be part of this awe
—called world

Your power plays as wind picks up
Driving sheets of mist and spray
Branches sway and bow to thee
With twist and turn of light
And majesty waves and winks,
as calm settles in your might

To be a part, all this—my dream
To know you once again,
to wonder and delight in you
Your rapture, joy within

My heart does grow, in hopes your hew
To shape and clip anew,
from pool of withered seeds
does grow, a seedling’s search for you

This world a beautiful dream of yours
Sprinkled with delight
For what benevolent force unknown
makes vision amid no sight?

And we in glory benefit
As ponder on your dream
To reunite in bliss with you
We wait your siren sing
And marvel once again, your hight!
for such magnanimous dream
Memos from Heart


We all struggle with the concept of God. How could we not? The concept of infinity, the Infinite, can not be grasped in finite. The mind can not fathom that which produced it. Mind can not contain the concept—God, only entertain it. However, we are striving to realize God; God Consciousness. The mind can not make it happen. The word ‘grace,’ points towards solving this riddle. How can the limited understand (realize) the Unlimited? There are several sayings that point towards this conundrum. Joseph Campbell put it this way: “He who thinks he knows, doesn't know. He who knows that he doesn't know, knows.” The ego (mind) thrives on being the ‘end-all’ of knowing. When a question or problem is presented to mind, it immediately searches for the one-and-only final answer for it’s individual entity. Many times, once ego has supplied that final answer to it’s ‘person,’ the entity will not budge from it. A belief of truth has set up with resolute conviction. This modus operandi, when applied to understanding God, will never ever realize the goal. Being able to trust (follow) the answer not supplied by ego (mind), label it intuition this time, is a movement towards grace. Acting on intuition, is inspired action, an action towards grace.

“I understand I will never understand. I am not
the I that cannot understand I will never understand
—Paul Hedderman


We exist in a relative creation (world) of time and space (duality). A school of evolution of sorts. Our common element as students, we’re not what we appear to be. Nothing appears in our school, with the sole exception of the schoolmaster, without its interrelated opposite. Day, night. Up, down. Wellness, sickness. Silence, sound. On the chalkboard stands out: Positive, negative—light, dark; and good, evil. Perception our school books of sort. Our course goal, Realization. To become aware of, or recognize ourself as the schoolmaster. Our schoolhouse includes, allows for, and accommodates, far more grades or levels of study than exist in the relative world. In the nursery level of relativity, we begin school as what we are, and progress the grades and levels at our own pace. We graduate school when we transcend relativity and become schoolmaster. Since our schoolhouse exists in duality only, there is forwards and backwards progression. We evolve and devolve as our lessons present themselves. Challenges occur on both paths of progression. Since our goal is like a magnet, drawing us to graduate and be the schoolmaster, a devolving path will self correct given the right amount of time. As students in relative school, we can not interfere with the lessons. The lessons are fixed. Each student progresses unencumbered. Our lessons always revolve around what’s real and what’s false, and how to recognize each. No student can fail earth school. All graduate, given space and time.


All of life;

Begins in the East

Exists in the North and South

And dissolves in the West


There is only one Reality. One Truth. And no one can speak it. Therefore, anything I write here is concept. In this case, interpretation of Truth. Some may believe it, and some may not. The preceding ‘pointing’ is a good example. Truth, as conceptual interpretation, allowed for words to be written. The word ‘life’ is intended to pertain to the illusory world. Life is finite experience. All experience is a witnessing of the phenomenal manifestation. Who or what’s doing the witnessing? The Reality, Self as One. All experiences have a beginning, a middle, and an end (transience). The next three lines are witnessed; Self, experiencing. All there is is One. So East, North, South, and West all appear in the One. The beginning, the middle, and end, have all appeared in One. Another similar rendition would be: All of life; Begins upon waking, Exists in this and that, And dissolves in sleep. The Reality: Sat-Chit-Ananda. Truth-Consciousness-Bliss. Truth can not be created, only exists in perception.

“The Self out of which the sun rises and into which it sets—
that alone do the wise make their goal.”
—Brihadaranyaka Upanishad


We are on the great cosmic ride of life—time and space. Appearing to experience. Appearing to experience the beauty of finiteness. Our only purpose is to realize who we are while enjoying the ride. The world says different. Fame, power, money, respect, glory; at any cost the goal, a man or woman’s purpose. The road of misery, anxiousness, deceit, and dishonor. In the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna states: “Hell has three doors: lust, rage and greed. These lead to man’s ruin. Therefore he must avoid them all. He who passes by these three dark doors has achieved his own salvation. He will reach the highest goal at last…” “…Let the scriptures be your guide…” “…then act accordingly.”


We like to think we will never die because our true being is eternal. We have a subconscious knowing of this fact. This is why we tend to think every situation we experience in the world will last forever, even though they never do. If we don’t like a situation, our subconscious knowing causes us to think it will go on forever. And if we like something, the same subconscious memory causes us to think we’ll never lose it. Both view points do not align with the ‘real,’ transitory nature of our life’s experiences. When we look back over our life, every experience we’ve had has come and gone. We push the thought of death from our minds due to the same subconscious knowing that we are eternal, and don’t want to see our experience of life go. Yet, at the same time, we know the inevitability of death as a reality in the world. Our task or goal therefore, is to align with our subconscious knowing, that in essence we are an eternal being, existing in a temporary container. As we all know, the container breaks down over time. We named it; ‘aging.’ When the container, which includes the brain where our subconscious memories are stored, no longer functions, we return to our eternal beingness, or essence. Our task is therefore simple, except for that pesky image (imagines) ego views the container as. The basic principle is plain: we can’t experience life without death, and we can’t experience death without life. Acceptance of this reality the key. Aligning with our subconscious knowing of our eternal beingness, brings with it peace from the pesky image ego paints us as. The same basic principle as ‘life to death’ of matter, and the unchanging essence of matter, can be seen with a ‘salt’ example. If you pour seemingly solid matter, salt, into a glass of water for a temporary time period, hours, and observe it later, the salt as matter has dissolved. Taste the water though, it’s essence is still present, salt’s beingness. You can observe the ‘death to life’ principle by leaving the glass of water for another temporary period of time (evaporation period), and the salt transforms to matter, only in a different form. No longer granular, but observable again. Essence back to matter. Our seemingly solid matter (body/organs) exists in space temporarily, years, before dissolving. Our essence changes form, but our ego’s image of us is no longer here to observe the new form. Everything is temporary, including the world we named Earth, given enough time. Planets come into existence and planets break down. Absolutely everything comes and goes in time with the sole exception of their essence, ‘beingness.’ The extreme complexity of the working mechanics of all this is beyond our intellect’s ability to understand or observe. But not to our being’s beingness, our essence. If we accept this basic principle now, our experience is bliss before dissolution. And we’re back to Eckhart Tolle — “die before you die.”


Free will. We each have the choice. Latent within us, our True Nature, Spirit, or Self, beckons. Without, the world, declaring excitement for the senses at the top of its lungs. Few hear the call, let alone turn and follow the way. You can’t grasp light with your hand—and you can’t grasp Truth with your mind.

The Longest Journey you will ever take is
the 18 inches from your head to your heart.

—Thich Nhat Hanh


The being is a pattern of energy. Source energy of the One. Self and the Father are One. The wave and the ocean are one. The wave appears in, on, and as the ocean. The wave cannot appear if not for the ocean. All sentient, insentient, and inanimate beings are One. Being; as in: here-now, seen, existing here, perceived by sentients. All beings appear in, on, and as the Father. The being cannot appear if not for the Father. The Self, or essence of the Father, is in the body. The Self and the body are One. The Self appears in, on, and as the Father. The One Self, or essence, appears as all beings. All there is, One being. All originates from, and is sustained as One—the one Source of all there is. All just is, the Absolute One. The Father, Source, Absolute; is One. We are not separate from one another or All There Is, One. It is only ego that regards all there is as separate from One. Ego is ignorance. Ignorance of One. Egotism must be seen, to free mind from the delusion it has. Free from “me” and “mine;” free from the bondage of Self. This has to be experienced. Only then will you be convinced—One!


Devotion is faith in practice. Knowing is faith in action. Knowing comes with devotion, and devotion comes with faith. Faith? Devotion? Knowing! Doubt and fear dissolve in Knowing. How could it not be thus? Do you doubt this to be truth? Have faith. Do you fear you won’t get it? Have devotion. Do you want no fear or doubts? Practice faith and devotion. Practice makes perfect. Perfection is knowledge. Knowledge of One which makes all. Knowledge through faith and devotion to One. Perfection comes, have faith. Knowledge comes, have devotion. Devotion creates love in One. Oneness of all, love of all, knowledge of all is One! Faith, devotion, perfection in One. Love in One and all things bears ripe fruit.


The eternal being. The eternal Self. Being what we are. No pretense. No defensive position. Alive and vulnerable. Open to pain, for then we feel pleasure. Not pleasure of the body or senses, but internal pleasure—joy, happiness, life! We live in a world of duality, opposing opposites. When we deny the experience of one pole, we automatically deny (delay) its opposite. For one does not exist without the other. Staying open to ‘what is’ the answer. It is, after all, what is. Whether we like it or not, deny it or accept it, it is—what is. We certainly don’t have the power to change it. The difference is in attitude, which releases the lock. Acceptance of reality the key. It’s already happening or happened. Deny it and suffer, rejecting life’s natural flow unfolding. Accept it and flourish. Pain and pleasure happens. Comes and goes. The duration the only variable. The opposites will revolve. When we reject reality, the what is, the experiencing it lingers in mind, instead of just moving along. When we try to live only one pole or the other, we get bogged down in the middle. Every experience you have, has a beginning (pole), a middle, and an end (pole). Let pleasure go as freely as you wish pain away. And let pain go in anticipation of pleasure. When I was a young child, I recall an example of how quickly opposites play out when not clung to. During the day, my sister and I were each given a cola by our parents. My sister drank hers right away. I declared I was going to save mine to enjoy while watching a favorite television show that evening. When the time came, I retrieved my cola and was hurrying across the basement floor to my spot on the couch, when I dropped the bottle and it broke. I wailed in shock. Aghast in disappointment, I grieved out to my parents they had to go to the store and replace it that minute. Of course they said no. I had some residual pain and tears as acceptance of my loss (what was) settled in, and I reluctantly took my place on the couch. Not long into the television show, I was laughing at the characters antics and enjoying the evening right along with my family. The cola and pain forgotten. The natural cycle of opposites had played out in minutes. Our father is always available. Grieve out your anguish to him. The pain will dissolve. After all, it is his world, and his rules, which by we play in.


The Self is all things. Guided by God alone. The Self abides in the body. The knower of all things. The Self within the body guides man. Man in turn guides the Self. The Self and man walk together. Together as One. One am I. One as Self and man and all things. Verily I say unto thee, know thy Self, know the knower, and know man as One. For One is All, the Self is All, and man is All. These words I have given thee for contemplation. Think long and hard on them for they are the truth everlasting. All things come and go but the Self lives on forever. Know thy Self and know thy God. Thy birthright forevermore. These words are given to thee from the highest. Know them well.


Look to God. Look to Self alone. Our only salvation lies there. Learn to listen. Learn to hear His inner silent voice. Intelligence Energy transmitting on your inner frequency. Quiet the distraction of mind.


What we are was never born nor will ever die. We are the essence of the divine mystery which creates and sustains life as we know it. Who can begin to understand, or even fathom such a marvel as this? The complexities, intricacies, and orchestration of this world we appear in, is far beyond our comprehension, or even our imagination. Look at this world around you. The intelligence that conceives all this, and the energy it takes to produce such a manifestation, is overwhelming. Let alone, the power to sustain it. And since it is so beyond our scope of imagining, our minds dismiss it. “Why bother to ponder beyond the known?” mind says. The answer is: We are an integral part of the perplexity. All things on this planet are intended to grow to fruition. We are no exception. We have all heard the saying, “Made in the image of God,” is man. What then can be our fruit but to mature into that image? And how can we do that but from within our being? Our single minded goal therefore, must be the perfection of God Consciousness. What else could be our fruit, short of the mind of God? Only then can we shine with all glory. We were made in God’s image, yet we can not fathom that image in mind. To grow from the seed of our mind, and mature from its seemingly limited condition, we must search out our origin. We must turn to the unknown within. What is within? What more can we be beyond this limited body we see? This world that we see? To do this the mind must acknowledge the fact that it does not know. We must make peace with the unknowable. Our mind must be willing to contemplate the unknown as the fact its very existence relies on. Only then can we see the spirit we are. The essence of God. Only then may we grow and bloom to the fruition which is our birthright. Into our full glory! ONE—not two, is all there is. ALL THERE IS IS ONE. One state of mind, one state of consciousness, one state of being. Our bloom, our fruit, our being!


I am One, not two. That sense of presence is here prior to any concept. I am: that sense of presence as translated by thought (mind). Translated (verb): move from one place or condition to another. We know we are prior to any concept. We don’t have to think, to know we are. You don’t walk around continually thinking all day: “I am,” “I am,” “I am.” But the knowing is present with you always. That sense of presence you are. Concept is secondary to that feeling sense you are, that awareness of presence that’s constantly with you. That Oneness you are from which thought arises. If the thought comes up that you exist, your mind projects it as the words, “I am.” If you think (mind stuff) you’re separate from One, the mind adds something to that thought. I am this or I am that. I am Joe, or I am Jane, or I am a plumber, or I am crazy, or I’m not crazy, etc… Mind describes you. But what you are is always and only, as far as when concept is utilized: I am! I exist, I’m here. You don’t need your mind to tell you, you are. Not two! You are not your mind. Mind is our gift of intellect. Our Intelligent will. Not all that we are, as mind claims itself to be. All is One, not two. Simply—I am! The awareness of presence or presence of awareness or spirit or essence or self you are—THAT! One, not two!


The One true guru resides within you. There, and there alone, is true guidance. No man can teach you truth. Truth is embedded within you. Came with the package. Only you can unwrap it. Experience it! You are One. The essence of One—within. Who exists ‘out there’ to teach you anything? All is One. You are both guru and disciple. An all inclusive One—within and without. God: the Only true guru! These words you are reading—the same One that you are. Bob Adamson puts it like this: “I’m not speaking to any body. I’m not speaking to any mind. I’m speaking to that I am, that I am. In other words, to that sense of presence, that expresses through the mind, as the thought I am. Just to this and nothing else.” The light of God, which illumines and transcends all, the Absolute Self, is embedded, hardwired so to speak, in every human heart. Right along with the individual self. Through an ineffable process, the two are One, within. The individual self is capable of looking within, but mostly looks without. The Absolute Self is the witness of all, within and without. All powerful! Silent and still, all seeing, seeing all—all hearing, all knowing, all things. The Self of the self. The One, without a second. Self realization is your individual self recognizing (re-cognizing), or lining back up with what it really is; and has always and only ever been. The spirit within the Spirit, or the god within God— the Absolute Self. The One! Our purpose for existing is to recognize this Truth. To recognize ourself, as the One true Self and evolve. Every self can only do this alone. Non duality, or Advaita as it’s known in India, is derived from vedantic doctrine. Ancient Hindu scripture. Jesus is said to have journeyed to India, and there evolved to carry the ancient message of God to Egypt. The Christ within was born. And we’re back to words: Atman within, Self within, Soul or Spirit within, the Light within. Our Christ within. The message: All Truth is within. The birth of Christianity, coming into being, to carry the message along from a much older, even ancient Truth be told. Have a listen—within. Hear for yourself. Don’t let evolution fizzle with you. The message is clear. The Truth is clear. Be what you are! Transcend the earthly cloak that you bear, and be the eternal free Spirit you are.


At the core of the Perennial Philosophy we find four fundamental doctrines.

First: the phenomenal world of matter and of individualized consciousness—the world of things and animals and men and even gods— is the manifestation of a Divine Ground within which all partial realities have their being, and apart from which they would be non-existent.

Second: human beings are capable not merely of knowing about the Divine Ground by inference; they can also realize its existence by a direct intuition, superior to discursive reasoning. This immediate knowledge unites the knower with that which is known.

Third: man possesses a double nature, a phenomenal ego and an eternal Self, which is the inner man, the spirit, the spark of divinity within the soul. It is possible for a man, if he so desires, to identify himself with the spirit and therefore with the Divine Ground, which is of the same or like nature with the spirit.

Four: man’s life on earth has only one end and purpose : to identify himself with his eternal Self and so to come to unitive knowledge of the Divine Ground.

—from the Introduction, by Aldous Huxley
The Song of God
Translated by Swami Prabhavananda
and Christopher Isherwood


The mind claims the One true Self as itself. It appropriates the power and knowing as its own. When in Reality, it is a mere reflection of this power, this eternal knowing. We are the seed of God, the Self or Spirit or Soul, which by divine ineffability, was placed within each of us at conception. The Self or Spirit within is what we are. Not the mere reflection as mind appropriates and claims is you. You are so much more than your mind. No object out there is your true desire as mind claims. You, your Self within, is the One true object of your desire. Next time you find yourself desiring any object in the world, ask yourSelf this: will that object aid me in attaining the one true goal? To know the Self or Spirit within? To know your Self as God? That’s true discernment. That’s utilizing intelligent will. That’s yoga!

Yoga: the science of personal communion with the Divine. The science of God-realization. Yoga means union with God, also the path to that union.


There is One Ultimate Knowing. A superconsciousness of sorts. Attainable; knowable by man, if sought. Far beyond the rational mind. Not a general knowledge is this, but a particular spontaneous knowing and response based on the current situation. We’ve probably all had glimpses of this superconsciousness in action. Instances when events or circumstances spin out beyond our control yet all ends up well in end. Afterwards, mind jumps in and says, “Oh, I can’t believe I just did that.” Well, you per say, didn’t. It happened spontaneously. Managed unconsciously to you, by Self. In these situations or events, which always take place in the immediacy of a moment, the little mind lets go completely. Once the event is passed, the individual self reasserts itself again, as you. To attain superconsciousness consciously, all the masters point to yoga (meditation), in their varied forms of operandi. Different, yet with the same achievable result employed, passed down in the lineage of the various masters. The single-minded goal, the ultimate focus of one’s attention, attaining Oneness. Being One with God, the True Self. The Universal Self within each of us. In different words, “not two.” Not a separate personal (person) self, claiming to act independently from the One and only True Self. But a self that realizes itSelf. Hence, the terms, non duality, not two, One, without a second, and All is One. One Self, one God, one Being. It is said by sages, seers, and mystics, that all divine scripture was written by the masters (or scribed by those around them) who attained Oneness with their Self, and are in this state of being, this superconsciousness or God Consciousness, while orating or writing. A divine or superconscious outpouring of Truth flows naturally forth. This level of knowledge is a divine gift. A gift ultimately given to us, humankind, from the highest. A sharing of creation, or a divination of the one true Reality—and a means or way to follow and realize it.


Do you think you are the origin of the thought you have? Does the thought start in your brain? How? Explain how that particular thought you just had, came to be in your mind beyond saying, “I just thought of it.” Now, choose your next thought. You did? You had a thought you say? You thought it easily, I bet. Flowed seamlessly in from your mind. No pause. No hesitation. Okay, choose this thought next: “I’m not the thinker of my thought.” Was “I’m not the thinker of my thought” the very next thought you had? Bet not. Bet your very next thought was more along the lines of: “this is crazy, but alright,I’m not the thinker of my thought.” What needs to be looked at here is the hesitation. The pause by your mind prior to just thinking, “I’m not the thinker of my thought.” If you have a discerning look at this exercise, you will find that some kind of stall tactic thought came up prior to thinking the proffered thought. Might have been only a momentary hiccup before you went ahead and thought it. Or, the hesitation may have been prefixed in some way, such as: “okay, I’m not the thinker of my thought.” Have a good look at this. Entertain the idea that there may be another mode of thinking. Thought is a naturally occurring function of the human being. The same as any other natural function. You are not the beater of your heart. You are not the digester for digestion. You are not the actor of lung action. You have nothing to do with these natural, “came with the package,” functions of the human being. And thought is a natural function as well. Entertain the idea. Contemplate it. Prove it out for yourself. Is it false…or is it true? Are you the thinker of your thoughts? Or do they simply arise in mind? Are you teetering on the fence? Can’t quite grasp the concept? One little push. Ask yourself this: “Why would I, and why do I, have an unhappy thought ever, if I’m the thinker of my thoughts?”


Who do you serve? The world? Or your ideal of God? The great saints, masters, and seers who went before us are unanimous in this matter. You can not serve mammon and God. What does this mean? Find out. Look within. For to turn from the external senses, least one can decide for oneself. As long as the person holds whole heartedly to belief in thought alone, without investigating the possibility of otherwise, they have unconsciously chosen to worship the world. Thought is but one aspect of the human being. Not the end all. The mind can only take us so far. Most do not want to wake up. It is so much easier to stay in a warm bed, covers tucked to chin, than to leave it. To remain ignorant of any alternative. To continue the daily struggle, and suffer the turmoil which rages between the heart and head; simply because one was trained to do so. How do you know what reality is if you haven’t had a look for yourself? The external senses taught us incorrectly. And we took it on faith to be correct. Despite our intuition telling us otherwise. Does it make sense to be cruel? To be selfish? To pull the covers over our heads, and pretend that all is alright out there? There is another way. But you have to get out of bed! Have a look for yourself. Then, at least your decision is a conscious one. Who will you serve? The choice is yours—when awake.


In the words of Joe South, “I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.” But my promise to thee is comfort. Comfort in my solitude if sought. Freedom from the anxieties of the world is found in Being (God/Self). Seek here, seek within, and ye shall find. The Self (Holy Spirit) and God are One.


The way of the father is not to be found in books, yet books He are in. Follow the Heart, the Spirit within. This, the true guide, walks hand in hand with thee. Seek Him always—within. For within creates without. And, without within, nothing exists. Not you. Not I. Not the world nor heavens!


Do not divide. Do not split in two (or more).
BOTH AND always.

Some people held up a gold coin and said to Jesus,
“Caesar’s officials have ordered us to pay taxes to them.”
Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar the things that are
Caesar’s, give to God the things that are God’s,
and give to me what is mine.”
—the Gospel of Thomas (saying 100)

Study this saying of Thomas. Contemplate it. Apply it. It IS you. Another way of seeing this saying is thusly: there IS the material (world/without); there IS beyond the material (internal/within); and there IS who taught you (your teacher or teachers). Honor all three, always. Give to each its due. What we learned first was the material world. We are indebted to it. Honor it. Give to the material the things that are material. Our bills, our taxes, our owings. What we learned second is that unknown element that sustains the material world. We are indebted to this. Honor it. Give to that unknown power the things that belong to that unknown power. Our thought of, contemplation of, meditation on, etc… And lastly, someone(s) or something(s) taught us this truth. We are indebted to who, and/or what showed this teaching to us. Honor him/her/that. Give to him/her/that the things that are his/hers/thats. Our gratitude, our thanks, our love, our friendship, etc… But, if conflict arises between the three, honor the second debt, first. For the second debt owed, your most important indebtedness of all, IS the life that sustains you. Without that life that you are, you are not. For life IS you—yourSelf, your being.


How does one know they have been shown The Way? They stop looking for another way. Their search is over. What more could there be? The Way answers this question as well. As Rumi puts it: “Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.” Being has depth. The Self within is endless. The Self within, intertwined with the Self of All, is All. Just when the well-spring of Self seems full, it opens another floodgate and spills forth to a deeper understanding of bliss. Peace unending, joy unending, comfort unending—the Self grows richer. There can be no better, more super-charged version of The Way, than what it is. And you know it as fact! It’s a pretty good indicator you’re home, when you stop looking for happiness, and settle ‘in here,’ content.